Hi all, new here


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Apr 20, 2021
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Hello everyone,
Purchased my first bike yesterday. 05 FZ6.
Really excited to start my riding adventure! I’ve been looking around these forums and have a good idea of how I want the bike to look. I got the bike for a crazy deal and left some money for mods to tinker with it. I’d like to go the sporty- looking route. I’ve seen things here and there like adding a belly pan to get started. Add in exhaust and a few other things, too. Would also like to do a dual headlight setup at some point. Do you guys have any suggestions on where to get started or a build that is similar to what I’m going for?
Thanks for your time, happy to be here!96DE0502-BA87-411C-AAD7-4163A14E12CB.jpeg
I have dual round headlights on my bike. I have no real affinity for them...it was inexpensive and looked unique (crappy photo attached). The lower fairing might be hard to find. They weren't common to begin with and the bike has been out of production for over a decade. You might have more luck on Alibaba then ebay.

Nice man, welcome to the forum. This is my first time checking in in quite some time myself

I am not sure where to buy parts as I never modified my bodywork.

Good luck with the bike, ride safe and have fun!