Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Ok boys, just had a look at the long range forcast for the weekend....Sunday is supposed to be having a shower or two.....could be iffy?

Am still very keen, as i want to hear & see Stumbles pipes, and maybe OZfazer6's gear indicator.

Oh and i want to see Aussiejules drool over Stumbles pipe's...lol!

Anyway, it's getting closer to Sunday, breakfast/ brunch at my place at 11. We can finalise route then, but am keen to do the blackwood, mt lofty, piccadilly, lenswood, lobethal, birdwood, tea tree gully route myself.

Those who are up for it, pm me.

Oh by the way, my mate on the TRX850 will most probably tag along.
Hmm, yeah, the weather's looking crappy, and this Sunday is hard for me... damn night shift.. need my sleepies Sunday arvo.

The weekend after is good for me though, got that Sunday night off.
If the weather gets better for this Sunday, I'll let you know, might just sleep later Sat night /Sun morning and go with it that way.
Am still very keen, as i want to hear & see Stumbles pipes, and maybe OZfazer6's gear indicator.

Oh and i want to see Aussiejules drool over Stumbles pipe's...lol!

He He, and there will be drooling... lmao. not just by aussiejules either, I'm betting... lol

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well it aint quite as exciting as a throbbing exhaust pipe, but i got my gps today, fits perfectly under my screen, mount is solid, and i just rode 30km's in the pouring rain, and not a drop of rain on the thing.

Works good too, reminding me of lots of good things like where the speed camera's are, how fast i am going...ie, whether i am over the speed limit, and with the cordless bluetooth headset, i could hear all warning's, and listen to some nice tunes from the built in mp3 player.

Now if only the weather would play ball....we could have a mutual "look at my mods" session...lol!
I sorta figured that, just thought I'd chuck in the apology, because you lot will drool when you see/hear 'em...lmao.

Ok, quick question, can I upload a sound file here (same way you upload a picture)? If so, I can video the bike running with my mobile, and upload that.
(Nokia N95 - 8 Gig.. should work out ok).

OK, it's short and sweet, but here's my attempt. Now, be aware this is my mobile phone and it's in the carport (I should have moved it out).

[ame="http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv9ozAyegE0"]YouTube - FZ6S - Leo Vince pipes[/ame]

Hmm, dunno if it's my ISP (had troubles viewing YT vids before), it says video is no longer available??? I just uploaded the damn thing??? lol
It displays the first frame for me, then click play and nothing??

Does it work for you guys??
Edit.. Well, it worked in IE7, maybe I should update Firefox...lol

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Sounds like a "real" bike now...Awesome.

Well it looks like it's me, Jules, and my TRX850 riding mate so far that are up for a ride on Sunday.

I know Stumbles wants to, as he just cant wait to show off those gruff new pipes... he just cant get past the i need to sleep syndrome....my theory is the same as Bon Jovi's...."i will sleep when i am dead!".
He He, I'm thinking about taking a sickie Sunday night now...lol

I rode to work last night... Holy crap, It's like riding a new bike again. The sound when you go under a bridge or tunnel is awesome... like.. goose bumps awesome. I got a hard-on...lmao And if you crack it open, then back the throttle off, has this cool crackling/burble sound, love it. I didn't even notice the cold when coming home this morning, was having too much fun.
Hey, pulled up next to a TRX as well, didn't sound as good as your mate's Jamie, but not bad at all.

More power, more noise, I'm in heaven. And, that irritating "buzz" through the seat at ~5000 RPM has gone... Sweeeeeeet.


Can you tell that I'm slightly excited right now...lol
I want to come on Sunday , but that weather looks a bit crappy and I have had enough of wet weather rides this week,will keep an eye on the weather.
Yeah,you dont want to get those new pipes dirty do you ,lol

Edit:I want to have a look and listen to your Leo's too.Still cant decide between them and the scorps.
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$#%&ing weather! I have washed my bike 3 times this week, only to have the heavens above rain upon my trusty steed as soon as i have got on the thing, to ride it, afterwards....

Being an everyday rider, and a clean freak at the same time aint fun!

Looking into my crystal ball of hope, i reckon the weather is going to be clearer than the forecast says it is going to be on Sunday...fingers crossed.

Wonder if we can get Apollo to come along too, the guy who just got the brand new fz6n???? if you are reading this, Apollo, would love to see your bike, and the more the merrier i say. :)