Hesitant to post this but what the heck....


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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This past weekend I was riding the FZ6 through the mountains, hitting some brisk twisties when a large bumble bee got lodged between the gas tank and my ball sack....

Can bumble bees sting through jeans? YES

Can I keep my bike upright in a curve at 60 mph with nerve pain shooting through the entire right side of my body from my nuts while standing on the pegs? YES

OUCH! Had one tag my neck a few weeks ago and I thought that was rough, I got off easy in comparison.
Those little bugs hurt like hell!! When I was a wee lad of ten, I used to ride all the time on the back of my dads bike. I ended up getting one in the middle of the forehead as we were doing 125km/h passing a bee farm. Had a giant lump for three days. Can't imagine getting stung though!! Kudos to you for keeping her upright
Sting was painful for about 15 minutes then it numbed up but stayed inflamed about an hour...at least I'm not allergic to bee stings. :eek:

It was one of these guys:


They are roughly 1 inch long, 1/2" wide
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OUCH!! Glad you didn't panic and kept the bike up. I've had few honey bee bites.. hurts like hell!!
I get terrible swelling from large amounts of the bee sting venom. The honey bees have barbed stinger and when they leave the stinger in you it comes with it's own sack that keeps pumping venom in you even after the bee is gone. Not like a wasp or hornet.
I would have been walking around the house with a wheel burrow! :eek:
Always stop and get the stinger out as soon as possible! Of course you would have looked sort of funny...:rof::rof:
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You know its only the females who sting. . . What did you do to her to p i s s er off?? lol

Glad you're OK!
I got stung under the ear one time. The whole side of my head swelled. . . :/
man if we apply the peter parker scenario to this, im not sure what kind of powers youre gonna end up with :Flip:
I always thought bumble bees couldn't sting, and that it was only honey bees you had to worry about. Just checked wikipedia and it seems not only can they sting, but unlike honey bees, they can sting repeatedly! Oh no, now I'm gonna have nightmares.
I always thought bumble bees couldn't sting, and that it was only honey bees you had to worry about. Just checked wikipedia and it seems not only can they sting, but unlike honey bees, they can sting repeatedly! Oh no, now I'm gonna have nightmares.

Can't bite - well they can, but won't break the skin.
Honey bees = 1 sting and they pull their guts out and die. See above post by Motogiro.
Yellow jackets, wasps, hornets = sting until you stop them
Two months ago .....riding home from work.....wearing holy jeans ......japanese hornet flew in a hole hit me three time on the back of my leg.....three days later I was in the hospital getting pumped full of antivenom steroids and antibiotics ....soooo now I hate all bees
Man, Fizzer6, I'm torn between laughing and sympathy. Way to hang in there through the curve.

I thought I was the only person to have been stung by a bumble bee. I'm severely allergic to all bee stings as it gets progressively worse with more stings and I've had my share. I swell in the stung area but my throat also closes up. If I got stung in my gonads, I would look like I had elephantiasis. :(

I definitely would not have been as composed as you seem to have been. Painful just thinking about it. My hats off to you, sir.

WTF??! We have the carpenter bee version of what stung you, and they are the least aggressive thing with a stinger ever. I swear, I usually just give them a good smack with my hand they just fly away. I've even caught them in my hands, and they do nothing at all except try to fly away. What's really fun is hitting them with a metal parts pan, as it makes a nice metallic THUNK sound, and they just fly away as if nothing happened. LOL

That's crazy, I can't believe you got stung there of all places, and kept it upright. Good job! And welcome to the "kept it upright during a critter attack" club. :thumbup: