Help! What are these things on my bike?


Not Here Enough
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I was starting to clean my chain and lube it up and I saw these things. The last time I remember seeing one it was leaking coolant as I was bleeding and surrounded by police officers, firemen, and EMT's. The cops were picking up my bike when it started spilling it's green blood.


Overflow valves?? Part of the cooling system?? Why have I never noticed them before??
lol, you're actually missing one... they're connected to the overflow for the reservoirs on the coolant and the other to the fuel system. they seem to be hanging a bit lower than usual so that's different.
Lift the tank and make sure that nobody forgot to connect them on the tank. That's what I think the problem is.

lol, you're actually missing one
Mine has 3 hoses too but I remember people here somewhere telling me that the 07 only has 2 of them:confused:
WOW they're long!!!

They are usually nicely tucked together and certainly not as long and positioned as far apart as that. Its certainly something that freaked me out when I noticed them but it clicked immediately what they were for since I had a freak attack with my last Yamaha bike over the same concern!! :)

If you look under your tank under your airbox you'll also notice four other hoses that are just sitting there with a plug on one end (they're connected to the air intake part of your bike.
There are 2 threads about those same hoses. It's normal and they are really long.
I was starting to clean my chain and lube it up and I saw these things. The last time I remember seeing one it was leaking coolant as I was bleeding and surrounded by police officers, firemen, and EMT's. The cops were picking up my bike when it started spilling it's green blood.


Overflow valves?? Part of the cooling system?? Why have I never noticed them before??

Those are Yamaha udders.:D
Your Yamaha udders do look really long, on another note with my bike they are both on the right-hand side, but in your pics one of them looks to be on the left (it may just be the angle of the picture). If it is indeed on the left I'd feed it back down the right side away from the chain.
yeah, on mine they come out near the dipstick well under it... sucks that you guys have droopy ones while on the 04-06 they're nice and perky...
They are normal, they should be there. But they are also a hell of a lot longger than mine.

Make sure they are connected and then cut them off so they hang just under the sump.
