Help me plan a trip from Colorado to Texas

-Pack gear for 0F to 110F. You'll likely see them all.
-Take how far you think you can ride in a day, cut about two hours from that, and plan your daily trips accordingly.
-Separate your gross wet stuff from your clean stuff. I'd put them in different bags even. Right saddle dirty, left saddle clean.
-Your clean clothes should go in a trash bag or something truly waterproof. Cause, your waterproof bag will leak.
-Plan your days to avoid major metro centers during rush hours (6-9 and 3-6). Cages get stupid then...

That's all I got off the top of my head.
Shoot when you going? I might be in if your looking for company. Going riding with three buddies this weekend. Planed out a boulder canyon ride and getting coffee first. We are heading out Saturday the 12 of March.
Going for a ride sounds pretty cool if the weather is good.

What kind of things should i bring? I'm only going 1000 miles each way for a total of 2 days and staying 2 where I'm headed. food? luggage? gas station planning? i get like 150 miles a tank with my power commander.
ok so I've picked up a few things that i thought necessary for some CYA lol

Tire plugging kit
Inflation kit
Fieldsheer saddlebags
New front tire
Bailing wire
Mini tool kit
hex wrenches
metric wrenches
duct tape
a pocket and hunting knife
some clips
safety pins
spare gloves
Liner for the jacket
Cruise control
Digitech JS-Dual battery pack with 2 USB charging ports.
Spare bike keys

I even remapped my PCIII USB so i'll get better fuel economy but not to the point where i'll be burning up the engine.