Help me organize a ride!


Junior Member
Dec 8, 2007
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Orange County, CA
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I really need direction on this one and I am hoping someone out there has the experience necessary to help me pull this one off.

My son (Tyler) is the most precious thing in my life... he is 5 yo and just started Kindergarten last week. He also has Down Syndrome. President Bush declared October "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month" about 6 years ago, and for the last 15 years, the National Down Syndrome Congress has organized local "Buddy Walks" around the nation to raise money and awareness.

I live in Orange County, CA and have a goal this year to raise $5000 for our local Buddy Walk. The company I work for is matching dollar-for-dollar, every employee contribution. Last year I raised just about $1800 dollars from the employees at my work. This year, I think I will raise just about $2000 (I hope at least). With the matching contribution that should come to about $4000.

I would LOVE to use this opportunity to do something that encompasses BOTH of my passions, my family, and my bike. I thought it would be great to organize a Ride of sorts between now and the Buddy Walk to raise the remaining amount! But the problem is, I have NO IDEA where to start, how to promote, who to contact, how to organize the locations and facilities, etc. If anyone has done this, and can offer support (even if it is just a link to relevant information) it would be a HUGE help. As a note: the OC Buddy Walk takes place on November 2, 2008. This doesn't leave much time to organize a ride, but I thought if there was some way to make a press release, and get the word spread I might be able to get a good size crowd. I would also like to find some sort of entertainment (DJ or live band) to be at the destination.

Oh, and if you are interested in helping me, I am taking volunteers...

You can read ALL about this even at my personal website Tyler's Buddy Walk - Orange County Down Syndrome Association - DASOC

Thanks! I really need you guys!
Planning a large ride, especially for the first time, also places a lot of pressure on you as the organizer. If possible I would suggest you find someone else to actually lead the ride. This will take some of the pressure off of you after you get bogged down in the details.

My one piece of advice regarding any businesses who offer to help out is get it in writing. As bad as that sounds, if you don't the "charitable" business could easily back out on you. My wife tried to organize an event for a charity a few years ago and the place that offered to host the concert backed out after signing a band for that night.

Good luck and keep us posted!