Help.. Helmet problem (i think)


Junior Member
May 20, 2008
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Well, am 22 years old, and i went thru my acne days when i was 16 till 18... worst 2 years of my life.

Now i have been riding on my fz6( first bike) for over 4months now... and ever since, due to the helmet my face is being owned by acne again... its retarded.

I use KBC TK8 helmet, and i can't figure out what to do and what helmet to pick up now.
120$ was obviously cheap for a helmet, i know.. but i was broke and i needed something to put on my head so i can ride.

What should i do know ? Will it go away if i get lets say a 800$ helmet ? or would my skin be sensitive and any helmet would give me acne ?

maybe it's the material the padding is made out of, I would recomend seeing a licensed acupuncturist or physician.

I do not know if there are alternative padding materials.
Well, am 22 years old, and i went thru my acne days when i was 16 till 18... worst 2 years of my life.

Now i have been riding on my fz6( first bike) for over 4months now... and ever since, due to the helmet my face is being owned by acne again... its retarded.

I use KBC TK8 helmet, and i can't figure out what to do and what helmet to pick up now.
120$ was obviously cheap for a helmet, i know.. but i was broke and i needed something to put on my head so i can ride.

What should i do know ? Will it go away if i get lets say a 800$ helmet ? or would my skin be sensitive and any helmet would give me acne ?


Funny thing is that someone on my other forum just brought this up as well. Pay careful attention to the abrasiveness of the cheek pads, another thing could be the fit, if it is slightly too tight or too loose the rubbing of the cheek pads could grind against your skin and irritate it. I would also clean the pads often and wash your face before and after every ride. But long story short is that it might be worth your effort to get a properly fitted helmet with soft cheek pad fabric.
no way of knowing if the x11 would fix it. Look for a antimicrobal helmet lining.

Silver in the tread kills bacteria very well. Maybe a antimicrobial helmet spray?
I'd agree with face washing as well. It might be the oil from your skin rubbing in and you can wash your face before and after and also have the cheek pads clean too. Good luck, we all hate acne!
Hi Mate,

I have nothing to add to the responses you have received already. Apart from a helmet liner may be of some benefit.
I am sure as you have already suffered two years with the problem you are doing all the right personal hygiene routines.
Often with acne the sebum produced in the normal flora of your skin can react with blocked hair follicles so I personally doubt that a more expensive lid will be of any greater benefit to you than a cheaper lid as both types will be in contact with your skin.
On the plus side you are 21 so should be coming right to the end of this problem.
I think it is very worthwhile seeking the advice of a dermatologist on this one.
Before I go, top kudos to you for posting up on such a sensitive issue and mega Kudos for the guys sympathetic responses without taking the pi55.
Good luck with it and keep us up to date with your findings.

I know I sweat a lot when I go for a ride around here. If you're sweating a lot that could clog your pores and cause acne. I agree that maybe visiting a dermatologist would be a good idea. Nobody wants a dark storm cloud looming over them every time they think about going for a ride.
Is your cheek pads and helmet liner removable? If it is, remove them and wash with antimicrobal soap every few days. If it isn't, you can go to a local dealer and try on as many helmets as you want until you find one that does have removable liner/cheek pads and fits perfectly. A perfect fit is fairly tight and will not move up or down, or side to side while on your head without moving the skin and scalp. If you "feel" the liner brushing your skin, the helmet isn't tight enough.

My son bought Proactiv and that seems to work very well for him but still, washing your face at least twice a day with antimicrobal is key. Good luck! It has been many years but I still remember my battle with it.
I agree with removing the liner and washing it out, Tide Free works great or if you have friends with kids.... try those baby detergents that are free of other non essential ingredients.
Routine facial wash is also good.
New helmet.
Skid lid/brain bucket/half helmet
If all else fails........go to a Derma and be evaluated.
I have the same problem i know your feelings. Im in Iraq and the chin strap on my ACH (advanced combat helmet) gets my acne to act up. I found the best sollution is to wash my face and chin strap (in your case the helmets pads and linings) often. It seems to keep it under control that way. Good luck
You could also try to wear a balaclava or a Buff. It covers more of your face than a hemet liner, I think? Anyway a separate under-helmet hood is way easier to wash than the cheek pads. And you'd have some more choices on the material.

Good luck on finding the best solution. Please come to tell us how it goes.
Wow, thank you all for your answers...

I removed the whole padding inside my helmet, and washed it with shampoo. I am cleaning my face after evry ride, and hopefully this will be my solution.

I havent had acne problems in 2 years, its a pain in the ass to see it all over again :(

I will let you guys know what hapenes next !

My opinion is the same as the other guys. Well look inside the helment get the range of head size the helment fits and make sure your head size is in between that range given. Also check the padding see if its soft foam or hard dry like foam. If is is hard and dry like it could be bothering your skin causeing it to react. O one other thing wash the inner linning how ever it recommends for you to. There could be some kind of startch on the padding put on by the manufactoring. One time I got my uniforms from work and my quad muscles kelpt breaking out because of the so much damn starts in the pants. They had to stop putting it on my pants. I would check these things for you run out and buy a $800 helment. Take care and good luck.
I had the same helmet same problem,I had to wear a bandana on my head to cure it.Then I bought a KBC VR-2 problem is gone,I feel it is the material inside that does it.
Unfortunately my hubby has the same problem on his forehead and he just turned 40. The helmet he has now is a Scorpion EXO 1000 and he is pretty broke out. The helmet he had last was an HJC and the breakouts were not so bad so it could be due to the helmet. One good thing is the expense, the cheaper one caused less acne.
Hey man just use a soap or a facewash that is oil free. Dont use any moisturizer on your face at all. You want to get that dry skin effect. Keep it clean and dry and if it starts to overdry and you get some skin peeling then you can start using a washcloth.

Also alot of foods and beverages that you consume may also play a part in that too. I know I have some issues when I drink to much soda.... Any good luck.
If you don't shave regularly it may help to do so. At least for me there's a point after about five days of no shaving that just laying on a pillow for the night is enough irritation to give me red bumps. Then I shave clean and it goes away. I'd bet the padding in a helmet could have the same effect.
Wear an Oxford biker balaclava made out of cotton or silk for long enough to establish what could cause this problem rather than replacing the whole lid.;)