Helmet kills my forehead!


Junior Cheeseburger
Jul 20, 2008
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Western Wisconsin
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Went a little cheap on my first helmet and bought an Icon ($145). It looks cool but after about an hour on the road the thing is killing my forehead, I mean it feels like a horse kicked me in the head. Been researching helmets and think I'm probably a "long oval" head shape which is why the Icon has such a wicked pressure point on my forehead. A buddy suggested trying out an Arai, apparently the Profile model is designed with long oval heads in mind. I've also tried on some Shoei helmets. Both were comfortable but long term comfort is my problem and its very hard to tell if a helmet will turn in to a torture device after an hour of wear unless you hang at the cycle store wearing the thing for that long. Anyone have a similar experience with a helmet killing their forehead? What helmet did you go with as a replacement? I'm not opposed to dropping $400 to $500 on a helmet but it MUST fit right. Thanks.
any good shop would not mind you walking around with the helmet on for a while after 10 or 15 minutes it should give you an Idea . also make sure it fits right if it moves around on your head to much it can cause you pain in places
I had this happen to me with an AGV XR-2 I had. I'll add that my helmet size is XL and I was wearing the proper size. I even tried a 2XL.

You're right in that it's the internal shape of the helmet that's the problem, thus an even larger one of the same design won't fix it as what happened in my case.

I've had Arai and Shoei helmets in XL that don't hurt my head at all.

In my experience, if a helmet is going to hurt your head you can tell very quickly (and without buying it). Just try it on in the store. Wear it around 5 minutes, take it off and if you have a red forehead and it hurts a little after you've removed it, this helmet is not for you.

My AGV hurt my head so badly it was incredible. It was a Rossi replica that I really wanted to keep but it was impossible due to the pain it caused.

It felt like the front of my head and back of my head was wedged between two pieces of plywood.

Good luck finding your helmet.
My first helmet was the most comfortable, an HJC FS-10

My current helmet is a Shoei RF-1000 and it's a little bit tight and less comfortable, but not unbearable.

I have a big head so I have to buy XXL helmets also.
I had the same problem with the Icon (didn't buy it, but i did try one on). Nearly took my head with it when I tried to get it off (XL size). Currently I have a Scorpion EXO 700 that I bought 4 years ago. After trying on a Shoei, HJC, all the Scorpion lineup, I'm probly going to end up with another EXO 700. It seems to fit better than any of the others I tried on (aside from the Shoei, but it's a little out of my price range) and has held up really well. I would suggest giving one of them a try before you drop some serious coin and have to modify the helmet to make it fit right.
i have an icon helmet and i have the same problem. after about 45 minutes of riding i find myself constantly trying to push it up and around with my shoulders while im moving. it looks like someone whacked me with a putter on my forehead. i have an xl and tried the xxl but it was too big. its a shame because i love the helmet and am not going to sink 300 bones into another one anytime soon. just hoping it breaks in or something. i might try to shave the padding down a touch in the forehead area. just a touch :spank:
I went with an ultra cheapo $45 THH helm for my first. It actually turned out pretty nice but it got too loose as it broke in. As long as it has a DOT sticker, I'm happy.

I got a new KBC modular helmet from on sale from here:
If you need a second helmet for your lady friend or one of your kids....or yourself. CLOSEOUT SPECIAL

Definately try a helmet on for a while in a shop if you can.
The Yamaha dealer nearest to me only carries Fulmer helmets :don'tknow: I'm not familiar with the rest of the dealers around here so I buy stuff online and pray that it fits :D
My first helmet, a Shoei, had a similar problem: it would cause a center-forehead ache or hot-spot after an hour or so.

I never did this, but I read that you can take the backside of a teaspoon and press/compress the styrofoam padding a bit to conform the helmet to the contours of your head by pressing stiffly on the bowl of the spoon to customize the shape of the foam (not the open-cell comfort-lining foam of course, but the underlying styrofoam).

Is this feasible, and is it a long-term solution, or a short-term fix until you can get another helmet? By reducing the amount the foam can compress by a small amount, is that compromising safety to any appreciable degree? It's your head, your helmet, and your choice.

I'm with the others on buying from a shop after a prolonged test fit. I look at it this way: if you buy the same helmet from a shop that you could have bought online for $30 less, but are assured it fits properly, can return it without hassle and extra cost, get to try a bunch of them, benefit from their guidance, support a local business, and develop that relationship...well, you're out $30. Big deal.
But if you buy a helmet online that doesn't fit and you have to discard it or give it away (who in their right mind would buy a used helmet?), then you've lost the full purchase price of the first helmet!

No, I'm not a dealer and aren't affiliated with one in any way, just something to consider....
As the Bell advertising slogan used to say... if you have a $10 head buy a $10 helmet.

A $145 helmet isn't what it used to be and I take exception to this. There are plenty of GREAT helmets out there, even for right around $100. As already described in this thread, Scorpion helmets are, IMO, worth twice what they actually ask for them. STG has some great deals on Scorpions and you won't find another brand of helmet that offers as much for as little.

In the interest of full-disclosure, I have a Scorpion EXO-400 and a Shoei X-11 Lawson and love them both. Do I love them equally? No...but they are completely different helmets. I commute in the Scorpion and reserve the Shoei for my weekend warrior duties. But comfort-wise they both work well and I haven't had any issues with either of them.
I have a similar problem with HJCs where it creates a pressure point at the back of the head due to my head being flatter on the right back side. Usually the problem starts after 45 mins into the ride then I have to move the helmet chin down to create some loose room at the top.

I wouldn't blame a particular brand, it is just how your head is shaped. Best way is to try your friend's similar sized helmets for prolonged rides and make your decision.
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I have tried Shoei helmets, but can't wear them. I end up with a big red welt on my forehead and a bad headache after a very short period of time. I have tried on a couple other brands as well, but can feel the pressure in the same place on my forehead after a very short period of time.

The only helmet I've ever been able to wear comfortably is an Arai Profile. It is expensive, but having experienced the discomfort of other helmets, I am more than happy to pay the price for the level of comfort and protection it provides. The fact that I can ride all day, every day, for a couple weeks at a time (long holiday road trips) with out a headache is well worth the money!
"A buddy suggested trying out an Arai, apparently the Profile model is designed with long oval heads in mind."

I too have a more aerodynamic "melon" like you, and agree totally with this statement, I love my Arai Profile !!!!
I personally have used Nolan, HJC, Thor, and Fox. I have not had a single problem with any of them. I currently have the Nolan N-102 modular! I love it and anyone I get to buy one agrees.... It is a personal preference thing! my dad can tell you about why many dealers are carrying Fulmer helmets. Its because many people will spend the money on a bike, gear and then cheap out on the helmet! He used to stock only high end helmets and sold them like they were going out of style. Now we are lucky if we can sell a $200 helmet.... I personally am wearing a $400 helmet! Its your choice! Well was $400 when it came out....
...my dad can tell you about why many dealers are carrying Fulmer helmets. Its because many people will spend the money on a bike, gear and then cheap out on the helmet! He used to stock only high end helmets and sold them like they were going out of style. Now we are lucky if we can sell a $200 helmet...

One other thing that the dealer near me said that he liked about Fulmer is that all of their helmets use the same size face shield, no matter the size or model.

I tried one and it fit alright though it ran a size smaller, but they look terrible imo.
I had the same problem withe my nolan x-lite I just pulled back the head liner and shaved off about a quarter inch of foam by my where it came into contact by my forehead , helmet is great now
If you are taking pain killers as a result of a helmet, you are doing something seriously wrong. That said, when I was shopping for a helmet I spent hours trying on different ones and finally ended up with the first one I tried... odd. There are so many different shapes of helmets out there - but once you find the one that fits it is worth the effort BIG TIME.

If your helmet is causing you pain you haven't found the one that fits - keep looking. my 2c.