Hellooooooo dear friends!


~ Wild Child ~
Elite Member
Apr 27, 2013
Reaction score
Ramona, CA
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I know it has been ages since I stopped by to chat. Will you forgive me? I have missed ya'll and feel the need to catch up a bit.

I still have my trusty gsxr, although I am not riding nearly as much as I used to. Of course I used to ride constantly because I had a lot of free time. That has changed. Maybe I'll be able to get back into the swing of things this summer? I know I can count on Jerry, and haven't been to Newcombs in ...well I can't remember if it is one or two years.

What's new with folks here?
I'm planning on getting out next Saturday.
Been busy with a new job. I'm lucky because the hours give me time off including all day Friday. I work Sunday morning though.
Haven't been out riding nearly as much as I used to in the past winters and this being an El Nino year, I think, has contributed to that for all of us in So Cal.

Miss you sister! :)

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I'm glad you checked in....although I see you on FB, some members don't and we have had too many go MIA as it is :(
So welcome back sister
Nice to see my favorite female Socal Hoon post up! Almost rode my Hippo down south this weekend but it just didn't work out, someday I'll get back down there. Perhaps when I get a new car tire;)
I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering where you've been. I hope you've been able to ride even if you haven't been able to post.

Big new you missed with me, is I got another Triumph. Street Triple R. I love it. So fun. Hubby got me a quickshifter for it for Christmas. So much fun!! I highly recommend it.

The other big news is Vegas Rider moved to Reno. He and I have gone for a couple of rides. I even talked him into going with me on a group ride with a local group. It was fun. We did a little tour of Lake Tahoe too.

I hope to hear more from you soon. I hope you've been up to some good stuff while you were away. :rockon:Blah
Monica!!!!! How cool! I kinda have to stand back from Goop's Triple so I don't drool on it. They are beautiful bikes. I'm going to have to remember to get in touch with you next fall if I ride up there with my Ducati Guy. The past two years we've ridden our bikes up to June Lake and done some exploring between there and Tahoe for a long weekend.

Last year we rode the bikes up for Labor Day weekend. We rode Ebbetts Pass, with a stop at Mosquito Lake where I said yes to his most wonderful proposal of marriage. The next day we rode out to Benton Hot Springs - awesome road with little traffic and some fun whoop-de-doo's. Apparently the Hot Springs are popular with the "clothing optional" crowd, no judging from me because my hot tub at home is as well, just wanted to mention it as a heads up.


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Congratulations!!!!!!! You look so happy. My hubby and I would love to meet up with you guys when you head up this way. You'll have to stand back and not drool on my triple too. lol We could show you some really fun routes around June Lake loop and Tahoe area. Monitor Pass is a fun route. My daughters boyfriend asked our permission to propose to our daughter last August at our favorite lookout spot on Monitor. Will be a fav of mine for a while. We have a wedding next October. When is your wedding?
O. M. G! I am so happy for you both! You guys are going to Maui! Hey ???? ....Why are you and and Mike dressed in those outfits....?

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Congrats Jen!

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