Hello Mr. Pavement, names Matt, nice to meet you

Here are a couple pictures of the gear afterwards. I know I know, I should have been wearing pants (well motorcycle pants ;)) Its just kinda hard finding some that won't be a pain wearing all day in classes or whatnot while still protecting me, I tried those motorcycle jeans but they don't even have knee guards, just thicker denim there...


During the winter, I wear my textile -Rev-It pants with armour and padding. I use to take them off at work, but I got so use to wearing them that I just wear them all day at work, 10-12 hrs a day. Since my bike is my only ride, I wear these pants 7 days a week, about 16 hrs a day. I feel naked without them.
Here are some pictures of the damage. Biggest hit was the front end, the sliders I had saved most of the expensive areas. The engine case cover got some scratches, but not too bad. Same with the rear area, but they are more noticeable since they were blue.

NAKED BIKE!!!!!!!!

Look at it as a start of a great adventure. I swear if take the front fairing off and go for a ride you will love it. I didnt know if I would like it or not, but once I tried it with no headlight or anything, just the forks and bars it was awesome.

Bummer on the wreck, bummer you got bruised and cut a bit, but you will end up with a rocking fun bike to ride when you get done. (well if you go naked) if you go back stock it will be a hella fun bike, but naked is more fun.
I have actually been considering going naked for a while, well not truly naked but different...just waiting for the Euro to lose some weight vs the dollar :D I can wait and ride around with it cracked for now, unless the rattling drives me insane. I will definitely check around for some pants. You can tell what piece doesn't belong easily, the other stuff has little minor scuffs and scraps, then the pants are ruined.

I'm really picky about stuff being as perfect as possible on my vehicles so I might be able to pick up a few pieces from ebay but most would probably have to be new, so that front end conversion isn't too much more by comparison.

I haven't been to Madrid yet, been on my to do list for a while though, maybe you'll see me there this year :thumbup:
Sorry about your crash but it would seem you have learned much plus a big thanks for sharing you experence for other riders to learn from.
Really dig your drawing of the accident scene right down to the Blue FZ!
Sorry about your crash but it would seem you have learned much plus a big thanks for sharing you experience for other riders to learn from.

A good reminder to watch the moisture when temps are close to or have been below freezing.

Really dig your drawing of the accident scene right down to the Blue FZ!
Glad to hear your ok....frame sliders are the best invention ever for bikes, saved my pride and joy from serious damage in a recent get off.

Sorry about your fairing, is it possible to plastic weld it, and get it repainted?

Not sure if plastic weld could cut it, it took the whole corner off behind the windshield. It would have to be quite the bondo-job. I'm seriously considering waiting for the Euro to cheapen and go for this look :eek:


Just not sure how it would look with that front and the stock rear. I would LOVE to go for that rear too as I rarely ever 2up, but it is a ton of work and $$$ to swap that over.

Worst part of the wreck today is I'm using the bike as my only means of transport as I've got the car taken apart looking for boost leaks...and I hear its supposed to snow this weekend :( Guess I'll have to step up the timetable:D
The important thing is that you're okay. I used to value my bike too much, but I realize that it can be fixed, don't sweat it, your life and health is more important.