Hello from Toronto(ish)


Junior Member
Aug 15, 2014
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Toronto'ish, Canada
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I'm David and I just picked up a 2008 FZ6 this past weekend :) This is my second bike; I've been riding a Kawi Ninja 300 since November 2012. My 300 is still in my garage along with the FZ6 for now, but I will be selling it in the coming weeks :(

This is only my second full season riding, but in the last year and a half I managed to put 32,000 KM on my 300, riding anywhere and everywhere with friends. Some of those miles include multiple trips to Pennsylvania, a trip to Deals Gap (Tennessee/North Carolina), many trips across Ontario (as far north as Elliot Lake) and 3 track days at Toronto Motorsports Park :)

The 300 has been an amazing bike, and I've invested a lot of time and money into it, but I decided I wanted to try something a little bigger (okay, a lot bigger).

Some pictures for your enjoyment...

And some less-than-glamorous shots of my new FZ6...

And that's my blurb :) Looking forward to exploring new places and racking up the miles on my FZ6!

:welcome: I am EXTREMELY interested in your thoughts of the 300 to FZ6 as you get to know it since I was pondering getting a Nin300 at the same time as my FZ6 and I still have some buyers remorse due to never riding one (I know I'd love its lightweight, gas mileage, handling etc.)

I wish you were closer, I'd totally wanna test ride it. (Ironically my cousin lives in Toronto so if you held onto it for a while, maybe I could make the excuse to get up that way haha)

Hope to hear back from you after your experiences with the Fizz!
Nice intro and very refreshing to see a new rider progressing with making the right decisions. The 300 is a great bike and sharp looking too. You should get a great resale value despite your mileage. Great to see a new rider get out and explore too rather than limiting themselves within the local area. Just the change in the color of bike you have gained more speed.