Hello from powerless Western KY


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May 1, 2008
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Dublin, KY
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Just wanted to say Hi and suggest everyone, wherever you live, invest in a generator. I lived most of my life in FL and only had need for a small generator once during Hurricane season 2004 to run a fan, TV, & cable box as otherwise it was like camping @ home :) Here I am in KY, in the dark, freezing my arse off, flushing my toilet with melted ice and totally miserable waiting for some decent help. I finally got a generator last night spent the mortgage and car payment to get it but I've been told at least a month :eek: to get power to where I live so I had to buy it. I still won't have water(shared well) but at least I won't be in the dark and can watch TV and websurf. I've pretty much burned the burners off my stove to keep us & my birds alive. This soooo sucks. Plus, in FL help was there within hours, here nothing for days and still not much :Flip: So everyone out there whether you think you need one or not.....go buy a generator......
I live in eastern KY and the closest town has been without water for almost a month now. The combination of a "boil water advisory" and then this snow and ice is just wreaking havoc around here as well. Growing up (even though I'm only 20) we just to keep butane and kerosene heaters and candles for when times like these hit. Buy some board games and invite some friends over.
I wish it was that easy. I have 7 dogs & 12 birds plus have to work. Can't use kerosene heater as it would kill my birds and kerosene has been hard to get. I've camped quite a bit but this is no camping trip. If I didn't have to work I think I could tolerate it better but trying to look clean & neat when you wash up from a bowl of water heated on the stove and you are down to your old worn out clothes it's frustrating. Plus no school and kids cooped up in 2 rooms :eek::eek: We had a couple nice days so they've been out but it's getting cold again so thank goodness I can power the TV now :D
I am buying a generator, we went through the same thing earlier this year, almost 5 days without power can open your eyes to the value of a nice big generator.