Healthy idle, no power

Didn't catch that when I ordered a new one, unfortunately. I'll just use blue threadlock and double-check torque after two weeks of riding. If it's loosened at all, I'll see about tracking down the lock washer.
Take it from those of us who have seen this before. Lots of times before. You already got lucky with the sprocket, don't push it. The lock washer is seven bucks.

We have seen some of the damage, both mechanical and human, that a departing sprocket and chain can do.
Use RED Loctite, at least..

There have been times when an engine block was destroyed when a chain came off documented here.
I wouldn't cut corners, you got lucky this time.

My S2 uses a slightly different (updated) type of nut, which I change ANYTIME the sprocket is removed.
I also RED Loctite it as well...

Forget lucky, I'd call it straight blessed. It came off RIGHT as I was parking. I'm aware how badly this could have gone, lol. Two minutes prior I was doing 80 on the interstate - God is good!

Roger on the red Loctite. Ordered the lock washer.
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Perhaps that has something to do with how the last mechanic put me in this situation to begin with then, heh
I learned a long time ago that there is a difference between a professional and a person with their name on a truck. The problem is that is is hard to tell one from the other at first.

Good deal on the washer. Motorcycling is dangerous enough without us taking additional risk.

Ride safely.