Healt Care Decisions by Accountants

The number of pages in Obama's stimulus package: 1,071. Number of pages in Obama's health care plan: 1,018. Number of pages in the "Cap and Trade" legislation: 1,500. Number of pages in the US Constitution: about eight. Number of these pages read by the average US Congressperson: your guess.

But a cartoon explains it all.
I like the current health care system and I also like my FZ6 but both could be made better. The problem is making something different doesn't always make it better... see the FZ6R.
I like the current health care system and I also like my FZ6 but both could be made better. The problem is making something different doesn't always make it better... see the FZ6R.
Dude ...I ride every Sunday morning with two member's with FZ6R's and they are decent bike's.....they are no where near the same as my 07 FZ6 but they are good bikes...they should have named them something else to be honest.. :D