
Don't know anything about it. Looks really nice, but one thing I can tell you is that 25W bulbs aren't going to cut it if you actually want to illuminate the road at night.
That's a cool lookin headlight do u have any pics of it on ur bike? Also wat exactly r projectors? Maybe I can retrofit it to use the stock fz6 bulbs
This is still a work in progress but


It looks like it sits much further out than it actually does in the above pic..I love it! I have had many compliments on it so far. It also rides so much different! NAKID rules!!!

Also, in the above picture, in between where the headlight assembly is and the fork mounts I am going to fabricate out of fiberglass a side cover to bring the fork and headlight together better visually and also use to cover the insides up more but still keep it nakid....Its an on going process though!

Just remember, none of this stuff is plug and play...it takes time, patience and more often than not with me, trial and error!

Projectors are headlights that are like the higher end cars have... BIG difference in ability to see in the dark..lol...just google projector headlights or ebay it....
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