Headcheck... then do it again


Stop looking at my title!
Jul 7, 2008
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Bristow Virginia
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This morning merging into 95s HOV lanes. Was behind a slow moving SUV. I headchecked before leaving the merge lane and saw both lanes on my left were open. The plan was to move over two lanes as the SUV moved over one. Luckily I headchecked again and saw the hood of a Durango right next to me as I had started to move over into the left lane. Still not sure where he came from, maybe he accelerated hard so I wouldn't get in front of him maybe he didn't, but no one to blame but myself for almost getting into an accident. Moral of the story is no matter how clear you think it is ALWAYS look!! And my own personal reminder to look before I start changing lanes not after I have already started.
This morning I passed a truck then two tractor trailers on the freeway got past the truck wanted to make sure I had enough room to get past the big rig so I went. Looked in the mirror and the big rig was pushing the truck off the road……….that could have been me. Look and make sure you have room just incase
Week or two ago, I was zipping along the freeway which was mostly clear in the 3rd lane from the right, needing to get to the far right lane. There was a slow moving vehicle in front of me one lane to the right. I zipped past him, and as I glanced across his hood, the lane to his right, where I needed to get to, was also clear. So I continued my arc to the toward that lane, changing two lanes at a time. But it turned out there was a car to his right that I couldn't see who was going about as fast as me, and I almost merged right into him! Thankfully I habitually head check, and saw him there just before I crossed into his lane. Taught me never to assume I know too much about what is going on on the freeway, and change one lane at a time, fully re-evaluating the situation before going to the next lane.