HD channel RANT and question


Junior Member
May 4, 2008
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Ok, I need some help here from all members who have Time Warner Cable.

I live in Northeast Kentucky and we have 12 HD channels not including the 4 premium channels(HBO,SHO,STARZ,CINEMAX).

I just got off the phone with my parents who live near Columbus, OH. and they have 41 or so HD channels:eek:.

How can there be so much difference within the same company.
I asked the local branch were I pay my bill a few months ago when we would be getting more HD channels and they said maybe after the first of the year, BUT that they were at maximum capacity right now and that they didn't know what they were going to do:eek: Now what a minute my parents have triple the HD, the same VOD, same amount of premium channels plus when someone calls the phone number pops up on there tv screen.

Just wondering how many HD channels you guys get if you have TIME WARNER
Dude, Time Warner is horrible. They installed cable throughout my apartment when I first moved in. (three tv's in three rooms) The guy who installed it did it wrong and when we called them they were super fast sending somebody out to fix it. We were really impressed UNTIL we got our bill they charged us 86 bucks to send the second guy out to us to fix the problem that they had made.

Point in case, I don't know how crappy their choice of channels are but if you are expecting them to somehow become a decent company overall then you might be waiting for quite some time.

Try going with a different company. There are better out there for sure.
I gave up fighting the ANY cable co. about 5 years ago after a heated battle with time warner in the Detroit area. went to Direct TV and have never looked back!! I would highly recommend a switch. The whole package thing is nice with cable but I have everything else packaged with Verizon so I am close anyway. Good luck HD rules you should have more than few channels!!
Thats one of my problems, I have the bundle package, cable, phone,internet.

I could handle it if they had a few more HD channels since they live near a huge city, but close to triple the amount is just way wrong
I hate the cable companies!!! We also have Time Warner up here. Although we only have about 7 HD channels. It obviously wasn't worth the money. We have their package w/phone, cable, & internet. I feel like I'm getting raped every month. Can't switch to another cable provider, since there is no other provider. I checked into switching to Direct TV, but my neighborhood has too many trees so they said that I couldn't get a signal. If I were single I'd probably cancel the cable all together.
+1000 Timewarner sucks!

I have them only because my apt association has an exclusive deal with them and I CANT have a satellite dish. :banghead:

When I first got HD service they only had about 20 HD channels and of those probably only 5 were worth watching, they've gotten better since then, probably closer to 50 channels now. IDK why the amount of channels would be different depending on your location, seems pretty dumb to me.

I do have to say I feel like a kid at Christmas when they give us a new HD channel. :cheer::cheer:

I'm still waiting for NFL network! :spank: But until then I've got the SPEED channel!
It has to do with bandwidth. Most big cable companies are offering tv, phone, and internet to their subscribers now but it is all over the same cable that originally was put in the ground years ago for just basic tv. Not to mention that many cable companies lease out some of that bandwidth to smaller local cable companies to offset the costs of installing it. Your parents probably have had their cable lines replaced or upgraded where as yours have not been. A HD channels bandwidth is huge compared to a standard defintion channels.

All that being said depending on where you live satellite tv may or may not be an option. Voom was the best satellite company out there because the offered 100% HD but they were ahead of the HD curve and have gone bankrupt. The other two I was happy with but there were occassionaly problems and their customer service was worse than cable not to mention their high fees for having a third party come and make an adjustment.

I am lucky enough to have FIOS and unlike sattelite and cable have had no signal problems at all. I have well over 100 HD channels but they come at a price. My bundled tv, phone, and internet is over $200 but I do have every channel and pay extra for a faster internet.