Haven't logged in in a while - Spending a dime to save a nickel


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Bristol, TN
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First off, hello everyone. I haven't logged on here in months. Hope everyone is doing well. Secondly, allow me to air my frustration.

You may recall Maverick1970's unfortunate crash last year that left him to part out his bike. Well, I was the taker on the Two Brother's exhaust. I thought I'd save some money that way, but man, it's turned into a mess. It's not Maverick's fault at all - he totally disclosed the condition of the exhaust and gave a crapload of pictures.

I picked up the whole CF kit for $200 (USD).

I was just completely unrealistic about what could be reused and the replacement part prices are astronomical. The slip tube was bend up pretty badly, but I thought I could get a muffler shop to custom make one for me...tried the shop near by and the guy said he couldn't. I probably could have found someone to do it if I kept looking around, but I kind of figured I'd end up paying near the replacement cost of the tube anyways, since it seemed to be a lot of effort in the eyes of the muffler guy. So, knowing the replacement price of the tube, I sat on it over the winter and finally ordered it last week:

Another $230 :(.

Then it comes in the mail and there's no brackets on the pipe. The old one I had had the brackets (X-rings in TB lingo) in one piece placed slid onto the pipe on each outlet on the Y before having the flange at the mounting ends soldered in place, thereby there's no removing them without cutting them off. So I have to order new brackets:

Another $52 :( :( (CNC milled to meet excessively small tolerances at an inflated price)

Another week waiting and they come in the mail. These damn things are just the regular brackets sawed in half with a little notch so the two halves interlock. I could have simply cut the brackets I had off at an angle with a Dremel for the same effect. Lord.

Now I patch the couple of knicks in the CF on the cans with some epoxy, just for safe measure (again, really minor spots) and I download the instructions for install (why, why didn't I do that upfront, doh!) and realize that this one bracket that mav included that I thought the whole time was an OEM piece is part of the kit. Did I mention mine is bent all to hell? Argh! (Again, not his fault). The price of the hardware kit? $183.

I knew going in that I might need a hardware kit and slip tube in the worst case scenario, which would still put me way under the retail price of the CF exhaust, but I didn't figure in the brackets. I refuse to buy that hardware kit after spending the money on those. I should be able to bend this mounting bracket into a usable condition, I'm just a bit disheartened at this point.

If anyone thinks they might be interested in taking this off my hands for $400ish, I'll consider it. Hehe.

Anyone else have any stories of this sort to share to make a fella feel better?
If it makes you feel better, my Leos burnt a hole in my seat after I installed them last year. :D And I paid 6 for them. So you're still ahead of the game, when it comes to money.
4 lb blacksmith's hammer FTW! I decided to quit my whining and just get the thing installed today and stopped by and bought the hammer to straighten out that mounting bracket. Got them on and did some riding. Man, these suckers are loud. I was expecting a similar volume to my R6 with a blue flame pipe, but these things are howling unless I'm completely off the throttle. Maybe a bit much even.

From TN to Colorado? Winters are long enough here, I dunno about that :p.

Yeah, KPaul, interested to hear about that story.
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Welcome back Kyle!
Important part is you got it on the road and yeah they're loud! You know ...for and extra $60+ you can get a set of.....only kidding hahaha! :rockon:
Yeah, how ironic is that, you spend a boatload of cash making your bike louder and then some more to quieten it back down? Such is life, I guess.