Have you had your FZ6 stolen, attempted stolen or vandalized?

Have you had your bike stolen or vandalized?

  • I've been lucky!

    Votes: 176 81.9%
  • Yes, it's been stolen

    Votes: 7 3.3%
  • It's been attempted stolen

    Votes: 15 7.0%
  • Some punk vandalized it!!

    Votes: 20 9.3%

  • Total voters


Junior Member
Feb 10, 2011
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This was my first season on the FZ6 and it started of great! First 6 weeks the weather was nice, the bike was riding nice, and I kept ordering small treats for myself.

In late June I was crashing at a friends place, and woke up to fin my bike stolen. After doing all the work myself, calling gas stations and getting them to look at security cams, putting up posters with a $500 reward and so on, I found it after a week in good condition.

A month after that some idiot broke in to the garage in my apartment building trying to steal my bike and three cars. He ended up making thousands of dollars in damage, and left the bike undriveable, so it took me another six weeks before I could get it again (the police was busy with the shooting and bombing in Oslo in July)

The bike is back, but I have put her to bed for the winter. So much for my first season.

Have any of you got any stories to tell?
Some idiot came in our garage and took my jacket and helmet (and other stuff). The bike would have been gone I figure, had it not been blocked by cars.
Some idiot came in our garage and took my jacket and helmet (and other stuff). The bike would have been gone I figure, had it not been blocked by cars.

I was told that a year ago in the same garage, someone broke the window of a car blocking a bike, just to pull the handbrake off and wheel it out to get to the bike.
It's a shame people are born retarded.

Did you keep your clothing on your bike while not using it?
Found my bike laying on the ground in the street last weekend outside my office (downtown SF). Sercurity guarde told me someone was tyring to steel it...they yelled at them and the thief took off running letting the bike fall.

Big puddle of fuel by the time I go there. Minimal stratches (frame sliders pretty much saved everything). Bike started right up.
I'm in the 'no' category but just got mine a week and a half ago. I did, however, thwart some punks trying to steal somebody else's bike while taking my dog for a walk in the middle of the night. It was at an ex girlfriends apartment building, around 2am. I shined my flashlight on 'em and said "It's a little late to be working on it, don't ya think?" My dog was a greyhound/doberman mix and very large. They took off. I called the police.
I'm in no, but I have come out from work to find the bike on it's side. It had a sticky on it saying sorry, that they just wanted to sit on it and couldn't figure out how to get it back upright.

All that got hurt was my frame sliders, so I wasn't too worried about it.
I've never had anybody touch my bike to my knowledge. A trick I do though is to keep it under a cover everywhere I go. Most people aren't going to both to pull the cover back to see what you've got under there when they can just round the next block and find a bike in the open to grab quickly. I also use a disc lock, even though it won't stop someone from really taking the bike, but it may discourage someone due to the increased effort.
A trick I do though is to keep it under a cover everywhere I go. I also use a disc lock.


Ignition / steering lock
Disc lock

They will most likely find an easier target. My bike has been outside for over a year, never an issue.

Ignition / steering lock
Disc lock

They will most likely find an easier target. My bike has been outside for over a year, never an issue.

i have to say id also recommend on carrying a chain around with you in your backpack or something, with my previous bike (Varadero xl125v) i attached it to the back tire and then looping it back round the exhaust pipe. (touch wood) never got touched :D.
I havent had no problem with my bikes yet , the busa is calipered lock and cabled to the workbench, FZ6 is usally just sitting unlocked but garaged. if they want it bad enough they are going to get it buy im not going to make it easy for them .
no ill luck here since new in '06 but i garage mine and i have an alarm for when leaving it unattended on the rare occassion in public...
Anyone had bike jacked with just the wheel turned and locked (OEM ignition lock option)??

Also - some towns are more likely to spike than others. Name that town and ANY bike that was taken.
No nothin in 6 years as an owner of an FZ6. I always lock the steering and use my disc lock most of the time, There are so many more expensive bikes around here to steal, that I think the thieves leave mine alone. ( I'm touching wood and rubbing a rabbit's foot right now,though)
Mine is usually either in my garage, or on a military base. Most other places around here have places to lock the bike up to when you're in public. And I carry around my cable lock.

Petty theft is much higher on military bases, but most all other crimes are almost non-exsistant. Although the likelyhood that some idiot will sit on your bike and make vroom-vroom noises is apparently exponentially increased.
I've been lucky, park it at my sister's really good area so not really worried. Just yesterday I did order myself one of the Xena disc locks with alarm, XX-14. I heard they are loud and obnoxious so why not.
Just today, some crackhead (I work in a very crackhead'ie area of Toronto, Moss Park) rummaged through my tank bag, got away with a couple US dollars and an old pair of Ray Bans with a cracked lens. Nothing really lost so I voted no on the poll

Otherwise no issues in the five years I've had her. I even leave the key in the ignition when I park it overnight in a vinyl shed, my neighbour leaves the windows open in her car too.

Sometimes it's nice owning a bike that not many people care about
Yes "out of sight out of mind" does work, I use a cover too when I go anywhere. And I store it in a secured garage within a fenced yard.
The best thing to have for your home is a security system, if anyone breaks in it sets off an alarm and the cops come to your house to investigate. The perpetrators do not get very far and do not have time to do any damage before they run away scared by the alarm.:cheer:
I live in one of those towns that the local police recommend locking your car when there is once in every 5 year rash of break ins..... My bike however sits in my garage with the steering locked and on the center stand. And a surveillance camera on the doors and a door opener for the overhead.
i live in an apartment complex so mine is out in the open all the time. granted i have a covered parking spot but it doesnt stop thieves. thankfully its never been touched but i park right between an R6 and a Hyabusa