Have you ever had an off???

have you come off before???

  • Yes

    Votes: 75 49.0%
  • No

    Votes: 38 24.8%
  • Yes a slow drop (in the driveway, uturn, forgot stand, lost balance etc)

    Votes: 40 26.1%

  • Total voters
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One was a low speed, first week riding drop in a parking lot. Stupid LR came out of a spot without looking. Spooked me and I locked the front tire. Over it went.

Second was within my first year riding. My Kawi Ninja 250. I was riding a new road, came into what I thought was a 40 mph corner, it was a 10 mph hairpin! :eek:
I hit the brakes and locked the back tire. When the front tire hit the gravel, I let go if the brakes and was ejected from the inevitable high-side. Right into the guard rail. All was well as I scrubbed off just enough speed. Bike was totaled, but I rode it home.

A high-side is a VERY scary experience.

No injuries other than hurt ego, ATGATT!
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One was a low speed, first week riding drop in a parking lot. Stupid LR came out of a spot without looking. Spooked me and I locked the front tire. Over it went.

Second was within my first year riding. My Kawi Ninja 250. I was riding a new road, came into what I thought was a 40 mph corner, it was a 10 mph hairpin! :eek:
I hit the brakes and locked the back tire. When the front tire hit the gravel, I let go if the brakes and was ejected from the inevitable high-side. Right into the guard rail. All was well as I scrubbed off just enough speed. Bike was totaled, but I rode it home.

A high-side is a VERY scary experience.

No injuries other than hurt ego, ATGATT!

Yep, i gotta say, have had a couple of "Highsides", and they are not pleasent...gives you just enough time to think "oh $hit, this is gonna hurt!", then bang!

Get bike back into right gear, keep riding...checking my dacks for GT stripes! Close one!

Does this mean you checked to see if you pooped your pants?? (translation please)

I am glad I am NOT your guardian angel, Wolfie!! :eek:

Yes this is "Australian" for i checked my underpants to see whether i had pooped my pants, or whether their was at least "Skid Mark" action! :eek:
Yep. Totaled a nice street bike years ago: Going 60 mph, at absolute point zero an approaching big truck suddenly decided to yank it over and make a left, (his left), about ten feet in front of me! I got on the brakes for a scant millisecond then bailed with all of my strength. I flew through the air for a great distance, tucked and rolled, and landed sitting upright, facing backwards toward the accident, leaning against the rear bumper of a parked car! (Dunno how that came about!) The bike bred the front end/axle of the truck. (It was ugly) The trucking company was more than happy to pay the new price of my bike and my clothes that were torn half off. (My helmet had one tiny scratch on the very top) God is undoubtedly saving me for something!
Had one on....this is going to date me....my Norton 850 Interstate, that I owned in High School. I was going through some twisties a little too fast and got caught up on the gravel shoulder. I tried to hold my line but couldn't and got sucked right into a 6 ft ditch. The bike fell over and flattened the header pipe and muffler.

A fellow in a stationwagon came by, saw me in the ditch and pulled me out with a rope tied to his back bumper. I picked up my replacement parts at a second hand motorcycle parts store called (of all things),Bent Bike!
How'd your friend feel about that? :)

he was overjoyed that i was mostly healthy. I'd known him for over 20 years. I paid to repair it out of pocket, and he promptly sold it. he didnt ride much and didnt want to go thru another hospital visit.

2 of them were cars turning left in front of me that were at fault... still my error for not anticipating them soon enough though.
Less than 3 months riding, I went wide on a left turn (not enough lean) and ran my FZ6 into the curb. Right before I hit, I stood on the front brake and was almost vertical when it hit the curb. I was pitched straight off, rolled once and stood right back up. The bike did a front half flip with the front fairing/windshield taking the brunt of the impact. Bent the bars, lost a mirror, scratched the back behind the seat, lost a rear pilon. I broke my lower left arm right at the elbow, but didn't know it until I picked up the bike. Other than that, I had slight grass stains on my jeans, but my jacket, gloves, and helmet came through without a scratch (my head never even touched the ground).

I replaced the broken parts and am still riding it to this day.
Yes, been off/down a number of times, different bikes, different situations, street, dirt, racing, showing off, NOT showing off.

If you haven't, you're not trying hard enough

Always gear up!! As many others have said, it's not if, it's when

Be safe
I was backing downhill out of my friends driveway and halfway down i decided to back into the grass to turn around and as i was starting to move forward i lost my balance and the bike tipped to the right but i held on to it the whole way down i kept it from falling hard it didnt even make a sound.
That taught me to never get in a hurry just take my time.
Just one. About 2 years ago lowsided my 00 vfr about 60 mph. The worst part was seeing the bike disappear over the cliff while I was sliding toward it. With all the gear I walked away with a little road rash and one f***ed up helmet.
2 of them were cars turning left in front of me that were at fault... still my error for not anticipating them soon enough though.

My only off was in 1976 when an 80 year old man driving a 1966 Buick turned left in front of my on Skyline Blvd. (That's the road I took Wavex and Cali rider on a couple of months ago.) I was only doing 35 mph at the time and I did anticipate him turning in front of me only he double crossed me and stopped once only to pull in front of me again when I reached the intersection. :eek: Resulted in two broken legs, a torn kidney and a six week "vacation" in the county hospital. If I had had the experience riding then as I have now I could have probably stopped in time and avoided the collision. I did however get a big enough settlement to put a down payment on my first house which I guess is the upside of the accident. To this day I always think of that accident when I go through that intersection which I do quite often these days.
Yes on my Suzuki GT380,Foot peg hit a pothole and me and the bike parted company. Ruined my jeans and got another nice scar on my knee,bike had a dent in the tank from handlebars and bent gear change. lol
Stopped me dropping the bike so low.
I was going to vote no but then my wooden nose punched a hole in my monitor.

Damn it.

One day I will be a real boy!
Slight uphill left turn on traffic with a new front tire and about an hour of actual motorcycle riding time. After that decided to park the bike and take a MC riding course. In Saskatchewan all that is required for you to get a learners licence is to pass a very basic written exam. Only limit to a learners here is you can't ride at night, can't have a passenger and can not go more then 100km from your place of residence.
downhill and then sharp left turn. blocked the rear wheel, stepped off the KLR 650 twisting my knee enough for pain and swelling but not enough for any permanent damage, tumbled down and faceplanted onto the curb. Full-face helmet certainly saved my jaw, leather jacket - skin on my elbows. I am still working on remaining calm when i see a downhill with any kind of sharp turn at the bottom ahead of me.
Slow speed, in traffic, on my first day with a bike... :shakehead::bag:

It was in three lanes of traffic (on my side of the road) near enough to rush hour, and I'm concentrating on changing gear, balance, brakes, mirrors, the traffic and the road ...
:rolleyes: - it all seemed like so much at the time!!
Then there was the important matter of impressing the mates I was riding with.

One of my mates braked ahead of me, and I wasn't paying enough attention.
I panicked a bit and pulled the front brake... too hard. Bike flipped up and bucked me off for my foolishness. A mechanic told me afterwards that the P.O had let the front brakes rust up, and that had been the cause of the crash. maybe so. The front brakes wouldn't let go at all until he gave them a few good smacks with a hammer.

I came off alright - shock, dismay, embarassment, torn clothes and a bit of road rash and bruising.
I flew and kind of rolled sideways in the air, hit the road and tumbled along, bounced my head off the tyres of a moving mercedes and nearly got under the wheels of a GS 650 which had been behind me. They both kept going!

The bike... she came down on the right side and slid, scraping the bar ends, brake lever, rear brake + foot peg, passenger handles, exhaust. Nothing very serious - on the outside anyway.

Ah.. the beginning of a star-crossed romance, between me and that bike.
she taught me some hard lessons. :|
Beggining of this season...I'm healed, bike is nearly back together. Hit some dirt in the apex of a tight righ hair-pin and couldn't see the bits of dirt from a car peeling out on the dirt shoulder. Before I knew it, bike was down and I was doing a superman into the other lane. Wasn't going fast at all, ripped my jacket, jeans and gloves. This year has sucked riding-wise for me because of work and no bike for most of it. I'm rewarding myself with FZ1 bars, sliders, exhaust, and heavy bar ends!

So next season should be a lot better...:cheer: