Has your bike ever hit the ground?

Has your bike ever touched pavement?

  • No, my bike has never been dropped, or layed down. It's still a minter.

    Votes: 393 36.6%
  • Yes, the side of my bike has touched pavement.

    Votes: 681 63.4%

  • Total voters

However, just this evening I had a very close call in the garage. I was trying out my brand new Icon Anthem pants - in the garage cause I was also cooking dinner. So impressed with my pants that I forgot I'd put the kick stand up and darn near put her on the floor. I did some quick hopping, a few vector calculations (right) and a bit of grunting but I managed to get it back up. WHEW. 460 pounds gets Really heavy when you're standing on one foot and the bike is most of the way down.

For all you jokers, No - the pants do not now have any extra aromas!

However, just this evening I had a very close call in the garage. I was trying out my brand new Icon Anthem pants - in the garage cause I was also cooking dinner. So impressed with my pants that I forgot I'd put the kick stand up and darn near put her on the floor. I did some quick hopping, a few vector calculations (right) and a bit of grunting but I managed to get it back up. WHEW. 460 pounds gets Really heavy when you're standing on one foot and the bike is most of the way down.

For all you jokers, No - the pants do not now have any extra aromas!

Bill Cosby used to say "first you say it.... Then you do it!".

Glad it turned out well
Can I change my answer?

Almost 40K miles and mine finally hit the ground... Damn. I was on the annual "Brrrr Ride" in western Virginia this weekend and I was riding across a grassy / leaf covered field on my way to my usual piece of real estate to set up my tent. I was maybe 50 yrds from where I was going to stop to set up shop and it suddenly all went pear shaped...

First, it needs to be noted that for about 4 month this year I dealt with a sticky rear brake by simply not using it. I finally fixed that a week or so ago. Unfortunately, my brain was trained to only use the front brake no matter what. (You can see where this is going.) I was going about 20 MPH and was on a slight downhill slope. In order scrub some speed I grabbed the front brake.. oops. I guess the front tire immediately lost traction then re-gained it and pushed the wheel left. So the bike threw me off and slammed itself onto the hard-packed ground. Cracked the fairing up and ripped a Trax case from it's mount.

Oh well, the case isn't too bad and I was able to (mostly) fix the mounting rail. The fairing isn't visually too bad (at a glance), but it suffered a decent bit of damage.

I'm fine... ATGATT of course. My hip is a little sore. Just enough to remind me to order higher quality hip padding to replace the cheap foam that my pants came with.

Pics of the bike soon.
Just did it again on Sunday, My friend went to cut me off going into the driveway and I grabbed too much front brake and the front slid out from under me about 5 mph-ish. I'm starting to realize that I need to check the pressure on the tires, 2 days before the guy at the shop topped off my tires and I've been a little less grip on the front. I still screwed up, but at least something to learn from it.
Dropped mine last week in the back yard. I turned sharply on wet grass, front wheel went AWOL. I broke its fall though so no worries. zero damage.
Yup, mine has been over three times, and put together only minimal scratches that you have to be up close to notice. The first two were on gravel at practically zero, (I hate that stuff haha) and the third was due to rider error of the person I was following/riding with. FZ6's can def take a beating. :D
Just came home and found my bike blown over from a storm. Devastation looks okay in the dark maybe a bent indercater, just happened to have my mirrors pulled in. Daylight will reveal any other damage.

Any routine checks I should make before starting her up when this happens?
Just came home and found my bike blown over from a storm. Devastation looks okay in the dark maybe a bent indercater, just happened to have my mirrors pulled in. Daylight will reveal any other damage.

Any routine checks I should make before starting her up when this happens?

The weather...

Just kidding happens the the best of us (me)!
Only once. Was silly and made myself lose balance going up a driveway which was on a steep hill and made a 180 degree turn -.-.
Luckily for me only the pickup rotor cover was damaged and I replaced that yesterday :D .
Placing an order soon for some crash bobbins so I don't need to worry as much and spend up large if it happens again. Pretty sure the swingarm bobbins saved the swingarm though.
I'll never forget the Alamo because that's the first time it tipped over. Went to load it up on the kickstand and my muddy boot slipped off the stand and down it went.
I've dropped it another 2 times all on the same right side frame slider.
I've had a few dings with other bikes in the past including the devastation of my Diversion XJ-6 which silver lining style led to my discovery and subsequent ownership of the FZ-6 S2. Other than considering trading it in very briefly for an R1 (too expensive, too nickable, not strong enough as an all-rounder) it's been a solid, fun workhorse that takes me to work and to play, on weekends of course - sometimes literally as I'm a gigging musician in a rock band and rolling up on a supersports derived bike fits the image pretty nicely assuming it's not pi55ing it down.

This one, yeah, I have dropped it once. About 3mph, if that. Didn't do a very good job of looking both ways before starting to pull out of a tight junction, the choices were keep going and get sideswiped by an oncoming car or drop the bike, which is what I went for. Fortunately just a month or so before I had the sense to get crash bars fitted around the engine. They took a scrape on the right side and the point of the right fairing above the headlamp has some tiny tiny dings/is a little pushed in but I don't even notice it now. Not the bike's fault, just mine.

What disappoints me more is that when I dropped my Diversion - a bigger, heavier bike - there were four cars behind me and four on the other side, all queued up waiting to get around one of those traffic calming island things where it goes single file. Not a one of these stationary cars did anything but wait, even though my right leg was trapped under the bike. I struggled for a few seconds and then with an almighty pull via adrenaline I got her upright, off/on the ignition to clear the fault from the display, fired up and away. One of the reasons I didn't like it - too heavy, not enough finesse. FZ6 has felt more manageable after about the first week of riding it and I rarely kick it out of gear like I did with the XJ-6 on a nearly daily basis.
I dropped my bike once in the backyard no damage. The stupid things I do always amaze me...I dropped her because I just bought a front fork lock the day before and locked her up for the night. Next morning was a beautiful day, I jumped on my bike, gently let out the clutch and rolled 3 inches before I stopped dead in my tracks...then I did a "Benny Hill" frozen in my seat, completely confused, we both tipped over onto the grass.

I managed to keep her looking like this for two years until July when I unfortunately was involved in an accident that sent the bike under a car, and me over it, leaving the bike looking like this;





I haven't got a picture of the brake lever that pushed it's way through my boot into my ankle lol but those show pretty much the extent... She's been bought back from the insurance already and will see the road again :p
Yeah funnily enough that leg is - I'm still suffering from other accident related symptoms though :p

Ouch, be careful bro. For some days, wear some extra protection.
I have an uncle, he always drops his vehicle on his left leg, while driving, while just standing next to it, someone else's vehicle. Recently, that curse got shared to the other leg too, but not by a vehicle, but something else.
I'll be wearing plenty of protective gear :p

I was unlucky enough to break my back in 3 places, a few ribs, my sternum, did both hips, left knee and wrist and right ankle lol. Lost the use of my left leg but hoping to regain feeling at some point

Hopefully this works (might wanna turn down the volume - is a tad noisy for a 125)
