Has your bike ever hit the ground?

Has your bike ever touched pavement?

  • No, my bike has never been dropped, or layed down. It's still a minter.

    Votes: 393 36.6%
  • Yes, the side of my bike has touched pavement.

    Votes: 681 63.4%

  • Total voters
Well, added a little "character" to my bike about 10 minutes ago. Didn't notice the depression to the right of my bike when I put here up on the center stand to check the oil. Went to push her off the center stand and immediately she fell right over on her right side. I tried to catch her but it was too late. I grabbed the left grip so hard that I twisted it around. Didn't do a lot of damage, just a couple scratches. Excessively embarrassing though. Luckily some kid came and helped me pick her up. The incline it fell into was so bad that it couldn't even stay on the stand without me holding her up.

Here's the damage- nothing major. My prides more hurt than the bike. Just goes right along with the rest of my week lol. Havent dropped a bike in five years :(

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unfortuantly yes ...today i went to move backwards into a space on a slight slope ... wind caught me also on the left side and lost balance slightly ... luckily managed to lower bike virtully to ground before moving myself so minor damage ...snapped the front brake lever :(.thankfully no other damage thanks to crash pegs phew.
Its amazing though how people sitting in cars around int he carpark just sit n watch .... those bikes are bloody heavy when fulll of fuel :rolleyes:
Had to ride home useing back brake n engine braking pain in the @ss but still could have been so much worse :rolleyes:
I gently lowered mine down for a rest on its frame silders in my favorite rest stop on I-95. I was at the bottom of a sloping parking lot coasting in to a parking space. I turned the nose up and was going to back it in but I lost all of my speed and got myself bound up, end result I had to lower it onto the frame slider in front of my wife on Her Vstrom and an entire parking lot of spring breakers. I did take a bow before I picked it up. No damage done except for a little rash on the slider and a scratch on the mirror.
Just curious how many members have ever had their bike touch the ground.

I parked my bike outside the shops, after just fueling up - put my foot down and it rolled of a rock - the bike and I went down, ever so lightly - a tiny scratch on the black mirror a tiny nick on the bar and and a red face.

I slid myself from under the bike, picked it up and vowed to never let it hit the ground again.

And, touch wood, that's the only time.

First week of having my bike, took it to the store and went to turn and back into an empty spot in an almost empty lot...as I was looking back and steering my way into the spot, BIG ROCK! jacknifed the front wheel and there she went.

Luckily I was smart enough to realize that I couldn't stop it so I saved me a crushed ankle by moving and I HIGHLY recommend the OES Accesories extended frame sliders. They did great. Small scuff on the sliders and small scuff on the brake lever (which I already planned on and have replaced) Still sucked though
I parked my bike outside the shops, after just fueling up - put my foot down and it rolled of a rock - the bike and I went down, ever so lightly - a tiny scratch on the black mirror a tiny nick on the bar and and a red face.

I slid myself from under the bike, picked it up and vowed to never let it hit the ground again.

And, touch wood, that's the only time.


wow, so similar. made my face look like a cherry and worst of all I still had to go inside the store where people saw it happen
Re: Don't do this to you're Fizzer. . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ]Threw It On The Ground - YouTube[/ame]
ive been riding 3 yrs this year, have not had a drop yet, but was told by an uncle that there are 2 kinds of riders, those who have gone down, and those who will go down, so, soon enough im guessing
I've only been riding for a year and I've dropped in once at an empty intersection on a country road due to failure in identifying gravel and noob saucing all over the correction. Lost my rear right hand turn signal (there is a post in parts needed) and since it went into a ditch and barely touched the gravel, lots of dirt and grass. Very fortunate to have minimal damage. I was geared up but I don't remember falling cause it happened so fast, just standing over my bike thinking "Reary?... How did bike get here?... Why am I not on it?"
It happens. I haven't hand a bike that hasn't touched the ground in one way or another. Ride a bike long enough and it's going to go on the ground. You're going to lose your balance, stop somewhere, where your feet can't touch the ground something and the bike will wind up on its side. It's the nature of a two wheeled vehicle.
I bought my FZ6 in spring 2007, so 5 years ago, and couple months later I high sided it while pushing in a little too hard. Then I gave up riding until spring of 2010. Here are the pics from then and pretty much how it looks now - I have larger mirrors now, can't find pictures though.
The FZ6 I just got has been dropped three times. All minor damage as far as I can tell. I don't intend for it to see the ground again, but I'm putting engine bars on it anyway.
Thinking about sliders as well...
My bike just got dropped a few days ago. Thanks god for frames slider.

the idiot hit my turn signal and now the bottom bracket broke.

My right pegs is damaged too. so pissed
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I am sad to say Mine has just touched the ground. Today actually. Was making a U-turn in a parking lot and a car whips around the corner, i am in mid turn, cars slammed breaks not 20 feet away, I hit the breaks (reaction) and thankfully not the gas, and 400-some pound top heavy biked in a slow turn... we all see where this is going, I held the damn thing at a 50 degree angle for like 15 seconds, and the driver just stared, then it touched. :*( Then the car backed up and left, laughing... The front blinker took the worst, the internal parts of the ferring (sp?) has some cracks and such. Not structural cracking, more the cosmetic part.

Still I am pissed. Esp. Since that dude did nothing!! Then some old guy comes over to make sure the bike is working and I am ok, to find out he was biking for 10 years in the 70's until a crash put him in a coma for 4 months.

Not to mention the obvious hurting pride.
Mine has, but from the previous owner. There are still a few things bent a bit out of shape and I'll see if I can tackle them this winter.
As bad as it sounds... the first day I got it.... but I got it used.
Ditto. First bike, first day and was pulling it into the garage when I got off and forgot to put the kickstand down. Lesson learned. Fortunately I had frame sliders so there was ZERO damage to the bike (not the clutch bar, not the mirrors or turn signals. Nada) so I was very lucky to get a "cheap" lesson on my first day.
Number #1
I live on the side of a hill and our street runs parallel with the main road. There's a right hand T junction half way along our street that goes down to the main road and as I was turning right a car came shooting up the hill.

I stopped the bike but was in the middle of turning and so as I tried to balance the bike it leaned over to the right and it got to the point where I couldn't hold it anymore. I had to lie it down on the ground and step over it and then pick up it.

The worst thing about it was the bloody car driver saw me struggling to hold the bike but drove around me and went into his house. I was fuming and thought about having a word, but once I got the bike back up and saw there was no damage just chalked it up to experience and went out for a ride as planned.

Number #2
Was on a ride out in mid-Wales with a group of friends. Roadworks up ahead meant cars were parked up waiting for the lights to change, so we filtered through to the head of the traffic.

As I approached the rest of the group I pulled in to the left and put my right foot down on the ground, saw a dark patch of tarmac and thought it was water. Turns out it was diesel :eek:, right foot slipped and again the bike went down on the right hand side. As the bike went down I tried to steady myself on the guy next to me but failed and his bike went down as well.

Sounds a lot worse than it was was, fortunately both our bikes had crash bungs and there was no damage to the frame or panels on either bike.

4 out of the 7 bikes had stopped on the patch of diesel and it was only sheer luck that nothing more serious happened to anyone else while we were stopped.