Hard choice to make...need some input

Ken's MKV

Junior Member
Mar 5, 2011
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Milwaukee, WI, USA, 3rd Rock
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Hey all,

Okay, I thought I would never ask this question but I need some input/advice on a dilemma I have. As we are all aware the petrol prices have been going up quite a bit here in the US (I lived in germany, so I am familiar with high prices) I am a proud owner of a 06' FZ6 in blue. I did it the proper way and took a motorcycle training course even though I was on a scooter for 5 years prior. Most importantly, I own the bike. :thumbup:

A little background info: 31yo. I work at a hospital and heading to nursing school in the fall. Due to my pre-nursing classes right now I work part time and have my apartment paid off being an apartment manager. With paying for the car, food, phone etc I am still on a strict "money diet" every month....lets just say I dont travel to much ;) You ask: "okay, everything seems fine...so whats so bad"?

The thing is my wonderful girlfriend, whom I love very much. She already is a nurse for 5 years and has gone through all of the torture of nursing school. (long days, clinicals and very little work) As I have been working on lowering my personal costs (getting rid of cable and iPhone plan) she also suggested selling the bike for some extra cash. Everyone I know and herself say that I will not be able to work very much and I am already planning on cutting back. Her reasoning is that I wont have time and wouldn't want to get stuck with any unexpected costs such as a repair (good reasoning) etc. Another reason that I have is that I would like to get engaged with her a few years down the road; so the cash would come in handy. She says that I can get another bike when I'm done, and I believe her, but I love riding and do not necessarily want to get rid of the bike.

So, here is my dilema. Yes, I would like to not own it to further lower my costs and save some cash for "us" down the road. She is right for me and I want her in my life but motorcycling is fun too ;) On the other hand I just filled my VW up for 50 bucks and a bike would rock during these times. Do you have any ideas/points that I could consider/mention to her? I am just torn and dont know what to do. Thanks in advance

Well the bike itself will help you save money on gas. If you think you might need the money a few years down the road for a ring you're a fool ;). I say don't sell it unless you really need the money for something now. If a few years down the road you need some money for a ring sell it then. Just my opinion.
What IF you sell the bike and then you break up with your girlfriend? Double bummer eh? Keep the bike, save $$ on gas and enjoy riding it.
Someday down the road if you need $$ to get married get a second job and keep the bike :)

In the end only you can make this choice. Good luck.
I'm with Zack and Red on this one. If the bike is paid off, you won't really be saving any money by selling it (unless you're a habitual modder). If you sell it to buy a ring in the future, you'll probably end up spending the money on something else now, and then your outta luck come proposal time.

Keep the bike and use it as a daily commuter. Any money spent on minor repairs and upkeep will most likely be recouped in your gas savings. :rockon:
why dont you sell the car? it will surely cost more than the bike to run etc plus it will render more cash come selling time. if your gf has a car your ok, i mean if you happen to want to go out together and dont want to use the bike or she hates riding, she could pick you up. use the bike for work rain or shine.

if you dont need the money right now dont sell (car or bike), like as said before, since other unexpected things will crop up and you ll spend that money for sure. being on a money diet is good as its nice to have something stashed away, but selling the bike will not make you in a much better financial position.

im sure your wonder ful gf will understand, i mean yes you could buy a bike later on, but for the time being IF YOU DO NOT NEED THE EXTRA CASH, do not part with anything.
I agree with not selling the bike. When selling or buying cars/bikes or other similar assets, you always lose as these lose value very quickly.

Another thing is that riding the bike instead of the car will save fuel costs. For me the major thing is that I need a car for rainy days, taking kids to school etc. So if you have only the one car (VW) between yourself and your girlfriend that might complicate matters.

So the pivotal issue is: How many cars do you have? If you have two, keep the bike and car. Keep the car parked and use the bike when the sun is out...

On the other hand, as bikes/cars lose value so quickly, you might consider selling something before it loses more value. BUT, the economy and value of money is also going down, so having cash is not always so smart because that in itself loses value very quickly too.

Invest in assets then, assets like bikes/cars/property etc.

You are in any case working to grow your career, so your current financial situation is temporary.

--> Keep the bike AND car...
Easy solution.....

Sell the girlfriend!!!!!

Joking of course....but seriously sell her....
Easy solution.....

Sell the girlfriend!!!!!

Joking of course....but seriously sell her....

LOL thats what i say to my girlfriend when she says i spend to much on the bike. I just say i will sell her to fund my modding habits :D

But on a serious note. Anything could change, you could come into money one way or another in the near future and not need to sell anything. I hate selling things and will do anything to keep what i got. One way or another i would not worry about it untill that time is present. Anything can change. enjoy what you have now :thumbup:
Nurses' slang for motorcycle is donorcycle. There may be more than an economic decision in play here.

I would keep the bike if it is important to you, and continue to remind her of how safely you ride. And if you have any near misses on the road, keep them to yourself :)
Bikes get amazing mileage
Bikes are cheap to maintain
Tolls are half as expensive
Insurance is insanely cheap
Parking is easier and typically results in less fines and problems
You can prob get more from selling your car
Bikes tend to hold their value fairly well if properly cared for
If she loves you she wont leave you no matter what you decide

The last point is really the most important.
I have grappled with this decision for the past couple years, and it always comes down to economics. My bike gets 2x the gas mileage as my car. I owe nothing on it, and it is cheap to insure (so cheap in fact that my gas savings this year alone have already paid for half the insurance). After my daughter was born I went from commuting on it and going roughly 5K miles a year to barely getting over 1K miles a year. If you keep it for financial reasons, make sure youa re making the most of it. Don't be a fair weather rider and don't go for joyrides. Most of the miles I put on my bike in the past were 200-400 mile Saturdays with no destination. Now they are mostly commuter miles, getting to/from work. I would be making that drive anyway, so it is a money-saver. Joyriding is something you wouldn't do if you didn't have the bike, so if you can cut that expense, you will save yourself hundreds.

Does it never snow in your part of the country? Can you survive wihtout a car? Is there public transportation if you need it? If the answer to these is "yes", sell the car and keep the bike, but know that the money you get now will be gone before youa re ready to buy a ring, unless you take the cash and get it right then.
I'm not being facetious when I say my bike is good for my mental health. Without the freedom to get out there and ride around by myself, I get depressed (during the winter for sure).

If the bike brings you happiness and the loss will bring you down, I say keep it until you're forced to part with it.
Alright, all very good answers and I thank you so far. :thumbup:

To answer some of your questions:

Haha, yes, everyone in the hospital gives me the "donorcycle"/"ambulance chaser" or "see you in my unit" jokes but I guess its a risk I take. I have floated to our ortho floor and its a little chilling to see the results of a Motorcycle crash. She knows the dangers (and so do all of us) but she just rolls her eyes. lol (did I mention her dad has a Harley? and has ridden on it?) :rolleyes:

In regards to my car: I am still making payments on the car so selling it is a negatory. Last summer I did put on about 5k on the bike pretty much just commuting. I live in the city of Milwaukee (about 1million pop.) in wisconsin (yes, it snows) so my commuting is about 25 miles or so and seasonal. My FZ6 has about 20k miles on it but I think it will run well and do its job.

I guess the dilemma I have is not entirely on my chick. Note: I know we all have the "girl or bike" story but i guess I dont want her to seem like a bad person in all of this. Even if I were not even with her I would be thinking about this. I guess I am just trusting her input about nursing school. Heck, she's a smart girl and even she drove herself nuts in school. I suppose we try to do the right thing in a relationship and respect each others thoughts etc.

I guess the biggest thing I have is selling something that I already own. I am pretty good about not touching cash in savings but you never know. Yes, I dont want to think about it, but 'if' we are not together I would possibly regret it. Even while I was waiting for my safety course date last summer I had to wait 2 months before I could ride it; at that time the scooter was sold. It was killing me. lol

I suppose even if the gas is still at $4 in the fall/winter I can sell it if I really need the cash, right? Any ideas on an approach to her?

Thanks for your thoughts guys (gals?)

Personally, I wouldn't sell the bike. If money is a concern, I'd just store the bike and remove all the insurance except comprehensive. This will cover a loss if the bike is stolen or if the storage building burns down. The bike is paid off, so it won't cost you much money if it just sits for a season. Or... you could use your bike to commute to work for the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2012. Park your cage and just keep up with the payments/insurance. This will save a significant amount of fuel costs.

You won't get very much money by selling a used 2006 FZ6, and it will surely cost you more money to replace it when you decide to get another bike in the future.
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There are very few things left that us guys control anymore, but one just so happens to be WHEN to get married. Keep the bike because you pick when to tie the knot so in other words you can wait till you have enough money for a ring AND the bike.

Thats just my opinion though and fortunately I don't have the gf giving me financial advice (but I'm an accountant so she really can't).

You can also play the card I am currently playing with everyone. It's your escape from the stresses of work and school (CPA exam in my case):D
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I'm happily married to a nurse, don't sell the bike. Life is short.

You won't have any repairs unless you crash.

You can always sell later if you need to.
Okay great, thanks for all of your inputs so far. I don't know many who ride so it feels good to hear some other sides/ideas. It always helps to get input from other fellow riders. :thumbup:

Okay Ken, you come to the best FZ6 forum to ask if you should get rid of your FZ6??? Are you nuts, of course we're all going to say keep the bike! :BLAA:

I had a 20 year gap between motorcycles. Now that I'm back riding again, the smile on my face eases all the stress away. My son said it best, "You can't help but smile when you ride. If you're not smiling then you don't get it and I feel sorry for you". That was after his first ride as a passenger on the FZ6.

Lots of good advice to you, I won't repeat what others have said. Find a way to keep the bike unless you are in dire straits financially. The ring and marriage will come. With gas going up, I think you will save money in the long run.

Good luck!
Bikes get amazing mileage
Bikes are cheap to maintain
Tolls are half as expensive
Insurance is insanely cheap
Parking is easier and typically results in less fines and problems
You can prob get more from selling your car
Bikes tend to hold their value fairly well if properly cared for
If she loves you she wont leave you no matter what you decide

The last point is really the most important.

I said that to myself years ago. then came the exhaust, power commander, Dyno tune, bits n farkles, stickier lower mileage tires and I started to realize I don't spend anywhere near this amount of money on my jeep or 4Runner! LOL! Well okay ....the bike gets good mileage....:rolleyes:
If the bike is paid you'd just be paying yearly reg. and ins. fees. If you're in a winter non riding climate and won't commute much during winter, your still paying fees.

Obviously we all ride for different reasons and spend bucks differently. I wrench myself so I save money on that aspect of riding. In fact all my friends save on that aspect of me wrenching. That additionally can help my economics in that realm of riding.

Tell her how you feel and discuss the subject.