Happy to be alive today! F-ing DEER!

Thank goodness you are okay :) I live out in the boonies of TN with TONS of deer, and my husband was riding home the other night (on a R1, yeah i know lmao) and actually kicked a deer that he almost ran into. Scary crap - may you always be safe :)
The bike seemed to have fared quite well all things considered. The deer basically took all the plastic off the bike in one fowl swoop.

Glad to here your healing well & fairly fast , road rash normally takes ages :thumbup:

As for the bike , well it makes for an easy naked conversion :D
Kicking the deer must have been a tricky maneuver, especially on an R1! Maybe your hubby can shoot a deer kicking training video so we can all learn from him:D

I guess the moral of the story is:

Some gear is better than none, and deer like streetfighters.