Happy Birthday PFD023

Thanks guys/gals.
It actually was a pretty dang special birthday. Started off last Friday leaving for BMW Motorrad Days/Superbike weekend.....then started again leaving that Monday with my wife for 3 nights. Headed down to PA and ended up doing a circular route around Lake Ontario. Man you folks in PA have a beautiful state.....absolutely great riding and stunning scenery. We'll be back. Just finished up today with another 400km ride through Forks of The Credit north of Toronto. Now sitting at home with a cold beer after a swim and hot tub. I'm a lucky man....and will never forget it.
Ride safe.
And another belated greeting from downunder[emoji290]

my iPhone post using Tapatalk - sorry for any shpillong mishtooks i has fat fingies
:cheer:...Happy belated birthday...:cheer:,

Hope you had a great day.

(as usual I'm late to the party :eek:)
