Hanging It Out There

How many "oh $hit" moments you've had the past week that was your fault?

  • A. 0-2, The wildside is in check

    Votes: 63 82.9%
  • B. 3-4, Hey, a little fun never hurt

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • C. 5-7, I'm wild and free

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • D. 8+, You Can't Touch This, I'm DANGEROUS

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters

Ryan T

Sep 8, 2008
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Woodbridge VA
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Just a quick reality check:

How many "pulse pounding" moments have you had in the last 7 days that where your fault?

This is not to brag. Just to highlight your errors and take action to correct them. I edit this because a forum member misunderstood the purpose of this thread/poll. So, if anyone else feels this is a poll to brag about being wreckless, then the point did not come across.

Once again, this is for you to take a look at you and correct those questionable riding habits.
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I'm still a newbie with only 2,400 mile of experience. I get plenty of oh sh!te moments from cagers on a weekly basis but try to keep my own error down low
I'm still a newbie with only 2,400 mile of experience. I get plenty of oh sh!te moments from cagers on a weekly basis but try to keep my own error down low

Agreed!! lol...
Dam cagers make me nervous all the time..espeicially on sunday drives since thats when everyone seems to be the most lazy and not pay attention
In the last seven DAYS? :confused: If you have just one close call every week, you aren't going to live very long.
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Not too many that were MY fault, but as it's been said the cagers are stupid (generalizing, but I assume everyone is out to kill me).

I did, however, have a moment a couple of days ago where I thought it was 20 years ago and I was on a 250cc dirt bike again. I stomped my rear brake, gave very little on the front, and slid into a right turn. Immediately, I thought "why the hell did I do that?!". No matter how long riding, how much riding, or how many bikes, we can all use a reality check from time to time to remember where we are and how we're riding. :thumbup:
Not really anything in the last 7 days that was my fault. Only thing I can think of was hitting an exit ramp a little too fast because I forgot to get over. Most issues I have on the road are caused by other people. I'd rather wait for a day at the track to hammer on my bike.
Similar here, had a stupid cager cut me off, he then went back into the left lane, so I rode up to his window and gestured a "WTF was that", he simply put his head down a bit a waved "sorry". Sorry... SORRY!!! that isn't going to help if I'm a pile on the road back there. Stupid cagers!!!

I must have been in a bad mood, (5:30 am on the way to work), so I smashed his side mirror off... Wonder what he said to his boss when he discovered a missing mirror on the work van...lol

SO, in answer to the poll, none that were my fault, but was certainly an a$$-puckering moment.
I'm gonna go with three. Not really oh $hit moments, but just stuff that was a little more reckless than sensible.

Overtaking 7 cars in a row that were all crawling along behind a truck. Well it was clear to go.

Moved up to the overtaking position, but too close to the car ahead so I didn't see the gravel in the centre of my lane until too late. Got upright again in time fortunately.

Getting bored of following a car at 35 in a 40 so a quick overtake. Oops, I'm doing 80mph.

Nothing serious. Just silly stuff.
Similar here, had a stupid cager cut me off, he then went back into the left lane, so I rode up to his window and gestured a "WTF was that", he simply put his head down a bit a waved "sorry". Sorry... SORRY!!! that isn't going to help if I'm a pile on the road back there. Stupid cagers!!!

I must have been in a bad mood, (5:30 am on the way to work), so I smashed his side mirror off... Wonder what he said to his boss when he discovered a missing mirror on the work van...lol

SO, in answer to the poll, none that were my fault, but was certainly an a$$-puckering moment.
I think there are MANY cars in Perth without mirrors due to my husband, "Prebstar".

So far, not happened too often to me.


Funny, but you can often pick the car that is going to pull out. Don't know why. Maybe it's a "woman's intuition". :D
I broke the cardinal rule from my MSC, and forgot that no one sees me today. Making a run into Vancouver on my way to the ferry i changed lanes with out properly shoulder checking. Quick look and away i go, but a mini van was joining the same lane, little goose on the gas and i scoot in front of them. But wow that made me do the double shoulder check from now on.
Whats up with all the "stupid cager" comments on this forum? I'm pretty sure most people on this forum have driven cars or "cages" before. I'm also sure that many drive cars on a regular basis. We are all fallible human beings (both bikers and "cagers"). Just because we choose to drive a vehicle that is harder to see (especially for the elderly), it does not mean that we are smart and the people in other vehicles are dumb. If you think about the decision itself, who is really the unwise? For me, I just like the feeling of freedom it brings. It can come at a very costly price. I remember identifying my best friend in the morgue in 1993 from his motorcycle accident. It was just that - an accident. I was just hit from behind in my work van by a woman who was going too fast and not paying close enough attention this past Thursday. I would wager that MOST of us are guilty of the exact same thing (I know I am), even though we may not have caused an accident. So why should we look down our noses at these "dumb cagers", when we are all essentially human beings that make mistakes? The answer: we shouldn't.
It seems like the OP has a jekyll/hyde thing going on...

This thread invites stories of self-induced idoicy that almost lead to death or injury to be shared as though they happen to everyone all the time. Which by the way comes pretty close to breaking the rules of not talking/bragging about illegal actions. Sure other people try to kill you all the time--that's a given, but when you do something stupid on a bike, you sheepishly thank God you're still alive, and then learn from it. You don't go on the internet and frickin' brag about it, let alone do it again! We can all learn from someone else's screw up by sharing stories, but it isn't constructive to have a poll like this...

That's why I asked DAYS? in my last post...Who rides so crazy to rack up more than one "my fault" moment in a MONTH? I mean look at the poll--this isn't squid-forum.com.

Then there's another thread started by this OP that talks about a 'mindset' one should have while riding that seems sensible and thought-out...

Jekyll and Hyde...

I'm confused...:confused:
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Whats up with all the "stupid cager" comments on this forum? I'm pretty sure most people on this forum have driven cars or "cages" before. I'm also sure that many drive cars on a regular basis. We are all fallible human beings (both bikers and "cagers"). Just because we choose to drive a vehicle that is harder to see (especially for the elderly), it does not mean that we are smart and the people in other vehicles are dumb. If you think about the decision itself, who is really the unwise? For me, I just like the feeling of freedom it brings. It can come at a very costly price. I remember identifying my best friend in the morgue in 1993 from his motorcycle accident. It was just that - an accident. I was just hit from behind in my work van by a woman who was going too fast and not paying close enough attention this past Thursday. I would wager that MOST of us are guilty of the exact same thing (I know I am), even though we may not have caused an accident. So why should we look down our noses at these "dumb cagers", when we are all essentially human beings that make mistakes? The answer: we shouldn't.
We are all cagers too BUT due to riding bikes, we are BETTER cagers :D I think I am a very good driver, but since I've been riding, I think I'm an even better cager :thumbup:

The cagers we are referring to are the ones that don't even know we are on the road :shakehead:
It seems like the OP has a jekyll/hyde thing going on...

This thread invites stories of self-induced idoicy that almost lead to death or injury to be shared as though they happen to everyone all the time. Which by the way comes pretty close to breaking the rules of not talking/bragging about illegal actions. Sure other people try to kill you all the time--that's a given, but when you do something stupid on a bike, you sheepishly thank God you're still alive, and then learn from it. You don't go on the internet and frickin' brag about it, let alone do it again! We can all learn from someone else's screw up by sharing stories, but it isn't constructive to have a poll like this...

That's why I asked DAYS? in my last post...Who rides so crazy to rack up more than one "my fault" moment in a MONTH? I mean look at the poll--this isn't squid-forum.com.

Then there's another thread started by this OP that talks about a 'mindset' one should have while riding that seems sensible and thought-out...

Jekyll and Hyde...

I'm confused...:confused:

This was in no way a thread to brag about carelessness. It was meant for everyone to realize the wrongs they are doing and correct them. I did not intend for it to be at all what you posted in your reply. Didn't mean to confuse you or any one else.

Just intended for all of us to take a good look at our bad riding habits and take action to correct them.
This was in no way a thread to brag about carelessness. It was meant for everyone to realize the wrongs they are doing and correct them. I did not intend for it to be at all what you posted in your reply. Didn't mean to confuse you or any one else.

Just intended for all of us to take a good look at our bad riding habits and take action to correct them.

That's all and well. Pulse-pounding moments are going to happen more frequently in the beginning years of riding, (that's adrenaline numbing your body for impact) but 3-4 a week is labeled as "a little fun never hurt". "Wild and free" And it sounds like out of control too. Near-screw-up moments aren't fun, and if you're having them as frequently as a few a week, you're not doing it right. It's either a technique thing or a will power thing... Are there any specific situations you can think of when one of these moments occur?
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That's all and well. Pulse-pounding moments are going to happen more frequently in the beginning years of riding, (that's adrenaline numbing your body for impact) but 3-4 a week is labeled as "a little fun never hurt". "Wild and free" And it sounds like out of control too. Near-screw-up moments aren't fun, and if you're having them as frequently as a few a week, you're not doing it right. It's either a technique thing or a will power thing... Are there any specific situations you can think of when one of these moments occur?

No. I see this poll can be taken way wrong. Timeframe was just one week. Poll answers could be worded differently. Once again, just wanted people to think, that's all.
I have quite a few 'oh ****!' moments that aren't my fault,but the one's that are down to me,are purely through going to fast.

There,honest answer ;)
well theres oh **** because I made a mistake, and oh **** because someone else did,
I feel my rear wheel breaking out sometimes because I forgot the white lines/manholes are slippery when wet. oh **** when someone returns to the right lane without signalling, or changes to the left lane, or suddenly brakes because they almost missed their exit,
etc etc.
I'm back riding after 25 years and things have changed, married, two kids of my own (17 - 14) and now my great niece and nephew (4 - 3) live with me so I take riding very seriously. I am not afraid to ride and be seen but I try and make sure I am in the best place for the situation and keep my speed down. I have a track day scheduled for DEC 4th at Road Atlanta and then I'll see what this thing can do. For now, I keep it tame and just enjoy being out there, working on improving my riding skills and riding multiple curved back roads.