Had my first OH SH*t Moment!

crazy dave

Junior Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Yonkers, New York
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So yesterday I had my first oh sh*t moment. I was cruising on the parkway at about 60 mph in the center lane when i noticed a black SUV in the left lane changing into my lane. Only they were right next to me. I immediately laid on the horn and eased on the brakes. She just kept on moving over. I stayed on the horn for a good 20 sec just because i was pissed. I don't think she even noticed. So now i'm behind her and what do I start smelling? She was smoking weed. Great. I pull up next to her window and give her the almighty finger. She looked confused and gave me a what did I do look?. I took off in front of her. I was so pissed.

Rant over
glad your okay, could have been much worse! Horn, do you still have stock? hmmm... so many people don't understand why they wont legalize it.... hmmmm not that difficult to figure out... People are bad enough drivers... i cant even imagine....
So now i'm behind her and what do I start smelling? She was smoking weed.

The same thing happened to me yesterday while stuck on a freeway in traffic. The car in front of me was passing a joint around. Since the sunroof was the only ventilation the smell was blowing directly back in my face. I was a little worried about getting a contact buzz, but it didn't happen.
Glad you're OK, man.
I'm sure you know all this already, but:
1. Do your best to minimize the time you're next to any given vehicle. Be few seconds in front or behind.
2. Don't rely too much on horn, even if it's one them train fog horns that so many people here mount on their bikes :D
3. DON'T confront the driver, if you value your life. Remember.. bike vs any cage is a lost match. Most cagers are not out to get you.. they simply don't see you. Ideally, everyone should be responsible, but in reality it's your job to stay out of their way if you want to be safe.
I don't think she even noticed. So now i'm behind her and what do I start smelling? She was smoking weed. Great. I pull up next to her window and give her the almighty finger. She looked confused and gave me a what did I do look?. I took off in front of her. I was so pissed.

Rant over

Must've been some half-decent grade of weed. I imagine stereo was blasting as well? Where are the traffic cops when you need them, huh?
Glad you're OK, man.
I'm sure you know all this already, but:
1. Do your best to minimize the time you're next to any given vehicle. Be few seconds in front or behind.
2. Don't rely too much on horn, even if it's one them train fog horns that so many people here mount on their bikes :D
3. DON'T confront the driver, if you value your life. Remember.. bike vs any cage is a lost match. Most cagers are not out to get you.. they simply don't see you. Ideally, everyone should be responsible, but in reality it's your job to stay out of their way if you want to be safe.

To number 3. I guess ill have to control my minor road rage while on the bike. :)
Wow. I see crap like that on just about every ride. I don't know what's worse, stoners or the folks who are on their phones (the one's who are on their phones seem to drive more like drunks than drunks do...). And they all give the same blank, inane gaze when you confront them about their idiotic behavior. "Huh, me, what did I do..?"


I'm glad that you made it out of that one unscathed. I'm a big fan of the super loud horn. Being able to wake up (scare) folks who are about to merge into you is great. Well, it beats emergency maneuvers...
Talking about talking or texting while driving, the UK just released a new ad campaign... I could not find a US link for the video from work, but here it is (WARNING, 18yo or older plz... since this was censured in the US I believe):

Sécurité routière : Un film choc contre les SMS au volant - France - LCI

They should do it here too... ppl need to face reality a bit more often...
They passed a no texting law here, but still no cell phone law. It's insane to me that people can still talk and drive. I have seen more bad driving due to texting and talking than anything else.
If you're driving, that's all you should be doing. Just like when you ride a motorcycle. Now they released blue-tooth enabled helmets so you can talk on the phone while riding. Great.:confused:
i had mine this morning too, actually. was in the left lane in a two lane road and a honda accord in the right lane next to me just starts merging right into me. funny how those were exactly the two words that came out of my mouth. instinct made me bypass the horn and go right to the clutch and brake, keeping mindful of the distance between me and her, the curb to my left, and the car behind me the whole time. the horn was my next action, but right before i was about to hit it she saw me and went back into her lane. on the cell phone :spank:. i realize the horn is a great defense but i guess i just don't trust that people will take notice of it in time, and i choose to take evasive action instead.
Yes, you definately need to get a Stebel Nautilus horn. I dream about these kind of situations developing so I can scare the living daylights out fhese drivers. Especially SUV's, I nearly had one roll over because they over corrected once they heard my horn, and that's the truth!
I'm sure most everyone has had one of these moments while driving your own cars.

It's just a part of riding a bike that will always be an issue. As stated above take certain precautions while riding and most of these situations can be avoided.
Not the most mature thing in the world, but when this happens to me I pull in the clutch and rev the engine. Seems louder than the horn and it's more satisfying. In fact I find a lot of people simply pull over or out of the way of a loud motorcycle. Also hasn't failed yet, but then again I haven't had it happen at 60, nor with weed-smoking motorist.
Thankfully you and your bike are both fine. How can you be that ignorant and irresponsible to drive a car or a bike when drunk/stoned has always been and will always be beyond me.

On an unrelated note: that "wtf look" you mentioned reminds me of when an old guy flipped me at a traffic light ... I gave him the WTF look too and waved my head and hand (meaning "wtf is your problem) but he continued holding his finger in front of his rear-view mirror for good 10-15 seconds so I can see it clearly. I then realized that when the light turned green I was already on the throttle and releasing my clutch, got the tires rolling and when the guy didn't move I pulled in the clutch so that the bike revved to about 3-4K for a split of a second ... he thought I was being a jack ass :) Oh well ... birds happen.