Had a boo boo on the Blue Ridge Parkway


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May 3, 2008
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On the third day of what was supposed to be a cross-country road trip, had an accident on the Blue Ridge Pkwy. Wasn't paying enough attention, went wide in a turn, and hit the shoulder. Crashed in a good a place as any, there was an ER nurse taking a break on the other side of the road, she took care of me until the ambulance arrived.

Damage comes to a fractured radius and ulna in my left forearm, the radius I think made a run outside the arm. Was taken to Stonewall Jackson hospital in Lexington, Virginia where the nice people patched me up. Have a couple plates and screws to remember the experience by. Outside of a sore right shoulder I am absolutely unharmed otherwise, good thing for gear I guess.

The front end on the bike is toast, as is the shifter. Surprisingly, no other damage that I can see. The gas tank only has a couple scratches that can probably be buffed out.

Accident happened on a Friday, discharged from the hospital on Saturday, rented a U-Haul on Sunday, picked up the bike from the tow yard and drove home to Toronto.

A little foreboding, taken maybe 10 minutes before the crash


Stupid Google won't let me zoom in, this is what the sign looks like


The aftermath



My pretty mug


The broken arm


Thanks guys.

This just happened last Friday, so I haven't had the follow-up appointment yet. From what I've read online, looks like I have 6 to 8 weeks until the cast comes off.
damn that looks like it was more painful in the x-rays than the expression on your face gives away, heal up quick

...and here's hoping the bike does too
I had just returned home from doing the BRP/Dragon/Cherohola thing a few weeks back. The BRP can really lull you because it is such a relaxing, mellow ride. If it were the dragon where this had happened I could predict it being hella worse. Not to take away from your pain and damage since any accident is on it's own an event we would like to forget.

So sorry to hear about your mishap. I am glad you and the bike are going to be ok.


Best wishes and I hope your back in the saddle soon. The one thing I don't like about the Blue Ridge is the lack of predictability. It goes from mellow sweepers to a hardcore turn with no warning. I found out how low you have to go to scrape a peg on a FZ when my buddy on his Daytona and me got caught out when one of the "unexpected" corners came up.
Oops, heal up qucikly and get back on the bike! 8 weeks will go by....welll....slow.

I did the same thing on my skateboard many moons ago. Only I didn't get any plates and have two big bumps. Makes for good bench racing. "See, I was entering the corkscrew..."
Ouch indeed! My wife just broke her ulna/radius a week ago. Not compound though.. 6 weeks in short arm cast, no plates.

Heal quick!
Damn Bro, another one. Sorry to hear about your accident and that pix 10 minutes before is really eerie. Sucks to get the fracture but at least it wasn't anything else worse.
Feel better and heal quick.
damn that looks like it was more painful in the x-rays than the expression on your face gives away, heal up quick

...and here's hoping the bike does too

Thanks, wasn't in too much pain. The adrenalin had me going until the ambulance showed up and pumped me full of drugs.

Best wishes and I hope your back in the saddle soon. The one thing I don't like about the Blue Ridge is the lack of predictability. It goes from mellow sweepers to a hardcore turn with no warning. I found out how low you have to go to scrape a peg on a FZ when my buddy on his Daytona and me got caught out when one of the "unexpected" corners came up.

The silly thing is, I've done the BRP probably about five times before this. Guess I was a bit too comfortable on it.

Ouch indeed! My wife just broke her ulna/radius a week ago. Not compound though.. 6 weeks in short arm cast, no plates.

Heal quick!

Same to your wife!

She's lucky about the short arm cast, well as far as these things go. I have a long arm cast, cant do a single thing with that arm
That sucks! These are not the kind of trip reports I like to read about. I hope you recover quickly, it seems like you are in good spirits. Hang in there and you can take your revenge trip at a later date.
That's a serious bummer and sorry to see you like that! Call in those favors and get some rest! Heal Quick!
good to see you upbeat about the accident. heal quick and take it easy during rehab.

the bike doesnt look too bad, the plastics seem to have taken the brunt, the forks seem straight.

nice lid btw
Looks like it could have been alot worse, glad your ok, as we say bikes can always be replaced/repaired and great to see you were wearing protection. Its amazing how complasant we can become with a road we have riden or driven or walked before even though we all know better that you never know whats around the corner.