H1N1, Who's getting the vaccine?

Who is getting the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 15.5%
  • No

    Votes: 65 77.4%
  • Not sure, is my leg gona fall off in 10 yers time?

    Votes: 6 7.1%

  • Total voters
If I ask I can get one next week. I'm waffling. I'm usually very healthy year round. Since the kids are grown and moved out of the house and I retired from coaching basketball I'm just not exposed to viruses like I used to be. I do have some concerns about potential health risks from the shot itself. It seems like there's a big push to get this distributed to everyone. Does the gov't. know something about this particular flu that I don't? :confused: Sorry- that's the conspiracy nut in me. What to do, what to do. I'll keep you posted!
Don't do it... they are actually nanobots that the government injects and on a keyword, you fire up "Today's Army" PC game and think you're having fun, but actually, you're controlling robotic soldiers and killing insurgents and terrorists!

:rof: Seriously, if you're between 12 and 58 yrs old and generally healthy, it's not really needed. Unless you live with a chronic patient such as a severe asthma or diabetic or similar...
I work in a hospital and informally, it's pretty well split down the middle. Some think it's a no brainer to get it. Others feel there hasnt been enough research on side effects. I am in the latter group.

Actually, I'm in the "This is a crock of sh1t, dreamt up by our government to freak us all out and make us more receptive to a screwed up health care bill which will not improve healthcare but only continue to line the pockets of politicians on both sides of the aisle" group.

Do you know how many people seasonal flu kills worldwide in an avg. year??
Guess I better stick to cycles. I sure do love my FZ!!!
Virus? Did somebody say, "virus?"

I think I've already had it. The flu, that is. I had it exactly a year ago. I can see how it kills people. I'll never forget that terrible illness I had EXACTLY a year ago. It was during late October.

It has two stages. The first doesn't feel that bad at all. It's just a little cough with a slight fever, but my mouth felt dry all the time, no matter how much I drank. It always felt like there was "dust" in my airways. I had slightly less energy than usual. The first stage lasts about a week.

After a time, everything became so much worse. I can imagine people working very hard while they're in the initial stages of the disease, only to become SERIOUSLY ill on the second part of the disease, where you fall down for the count.

It lasted a very long time, almost 4 weeks straight. I nearly called an ambulance. Believe me, if you get the H1N1 virus, you'll KNOW you have it after the second week. I'm very sure I got it, because that disease felt like something that could kill somebody.

My advice about the vaccine?

"Opportunity only knocks once" or whatever those old geezers say.
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Don't do it... they are actually nanobots that the government injects and on a keyword, you fire up "Today's Army" PC game and think you're having fun, but actually, you're controlling robotic soldiers and killing insurgents and terrorists!

What's a "nanobot"? ;) And how do you know I'm playing games on my PC? And why are those guys in lab coats peeking in my windows?
I am not woried at all so I won't be getting the vaccine. According to my friends, 20% of my college have had it. If you get it, take a week off and relax. No big deal. I guess I just can't see what all of the hype is about.
History repeats itself again.... I personally won't be getting the shot, I think we have a lot more to fear from people playing with their phones while driving than this new/old media scare.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro1WL5ketWg&NR=1]YouTube - SWINE FLU 1976 PROPAGANDA - PART I[/ame]
What's a "nanobot"? ;) And how do you know I'm playing games on my PC? And why are those guys in lab coats peeking in my windows?

Here's the nanobots. Beware!


Google is the one who told them about the games. Google knows more about us than WE do! :eek:

The guys in lab coats? Check you local sex offenders list first, then call the NSA. :D
Once all of the at risk peoel get it and if they offer it at work, then I'm getting it. Having the flu sucks, and if I can prevent that, I'm gonna do it.
The H1N1 only affects malnourished people, mainly young children and old people. I fall into neither of those categories.

That and ever since watching ZeitGeist (i think it was) where they linked over 80,000 cases of AIDS in a southern Africa to a vaccination of over 10,000 people for TB within only a few months time, all in the same area.

That's got my mind boggled and I dare not take any vaccinations, be it true or not.
I got an intranasal one last friday through my college's hospital. I figured it was a good idea since i'm back in school and am around so many people all day.
True story.... So my wife takes my three little ones to get their H1N1 vaccinations last week. In central Ohio, they're only being distributed by the county health departments. My wife and three kids show up and get in line at the Rickenbacher Air Base in Columbus. They wait in line for three hours. At the end of the line, they are told to deposit all of their belongings... stroller, diaper bag, lunch boxes, in a pile to the side. At that point, they were told to board a bus and place the children on their laps in order to get as many people on board as possible. Hmmmm.... anyone getting any visuals here? Pretty scary.

Of course it all turned out well. At the other end of the bus ride was a very organized, efficient process and it worked well. But wow! With the debates going on with government-run healthcare in the US, you'd think they'd at least try to stay away from the "off to the showers" environment.
H1N1 shot distribution is probably delegated at the state level and organized at the sub-local level... The federal message is probably diluted to light beer levels or completely disregarded.
Off to zee showers method is pretty sick especially considering the bus w/o boosters when most staes are making 8 y/o kids use boosters now, Wow would I have looked like a douche (I was "Husky")

In other news... I spoke to an epidemiologist (@ work, not just @Starbucks) about the fluish situation... He explained that very few centers have the ability or resources to accurately determine which strain is present... furthermore due to identical treatment (after infection) most places that do the test that identifies the strain are doing it for epidemiological studies. What does that mean for the rest of us? Not a whole hell of a lot. Interestingly in NY the centers that test for the strain are only turning up H1N1, which could be said is that NY is not getting hit by the traditional flu or that enough NYers are really getting the flu shot or we just vomit, poop, stay home and go to work next week. These studies were done prior to H1N1 vaccination availability. He said the best thing to do is don't work sick, you can spread it, but worse is that if you have a cold you are more susceptible to an infected coworkers infection. Also, to just stay healthy, wash hands, eat yogurt and get off your duff and exercise he said (also a rider) "Not loud pipes, but strong lungs save lives, now put that in your pipe and smoke it" He is also a terrible teller of puns...
With the debates going on with government-run healthcare in the US, you'd think they'd at least try to stay away from the "off to the showers" environment.

So True ...here in Missouri we had a emissions inspection we used to have done in a government run facility. It was very off to the showers feeling, stay in your car till told to exit. Then you are taken to a holding area to wait till they are finished then you are allowed out to return to your car. Always feels like you are some sort of third world criminal when you are at any kind of government run "business". Same with some of our license offices in Missouri its a very uncomfortable feeling. We are the frogs in the pot of warm water, its so comfy in here isn't it? ........ OK I'll stop :D :ban: