Guess where this Goes!!!

Lol. Yeah everything you carry should serve double duty. :p

How about this one? What is it and where does it go?

-- -- --

Another angle...had to edit because tapatalk seems to put a mark on hosted images now


No love for you on that one.....
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DavesFZ again."

Its the thought that counts, Right! :D:D
Haha! Call it what you like as I dont know! lol
All I can add is it came from up north from BC.
If you look closely you can see what looks like a winged insignia at the top of the rear window.

You guys figure it out yet?
Ya, funny the OP doesn't know wth it is either! :tard::tard:

Gonna say Negative on the Countryman (!
Even those Chaps had the piece of mind to place the damned hinges inside the panel unlike the creator of that POS!!! Also note that it has short round hinges and those Minor's have a long hinge... lol - note the locking gas cap! Is it really as old as it looks??? :D:D