Growing old sometimes SUCKS


Elite Member
Aug 9, 2009
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Back in San Bernardino, Ca.
Growing old ain't for sissies. So I take the train to Seattle to attend the Narrow Gauge Convention(model railroading) with my son. Train ride is about 40 hours and I meet some interesting people during the trip, first is young guy from Siberia who is on a holiday from his job in San Diego, nice guy and fun to talk to, says this is a lot nicer than the trains in Russia. Second is a very independent young lady from Australia who is on a holiday also, she had been working in Canada, she is getting off in Portland and plans on
buying a pick-up and venturing to Utah to visit with friend. Said she hitch-hiked through Mexico!! and the only ones to give her a ride were the truck drivers who she said were very nice, has bigger cajonies than I do.
So I'm on my own to Seattle and noticing a reluctance in the old plumbing and when I get to Seattle I need to go every 5 minutes, lots of fun making my son stop for the old man to go, even had to use an alley cause couldn't find any where else to go. So on Sunday I'm having a heck of a time trying to go, won't work and I'm in a bit of pain, so off to the ER on Whidbey Island, great ER, with-in 5 minutes I'm in a room and in goes the folly catheter, what a thrill that is OUCH, and out comes 1 liter of you know what, man what a
relief. BP was 190 over something and that came down to 150 over something(never can remember the second number, must be that CRS thing). They also put me on Flow-Max which so far seems to help. So for the rest of the visit I wore a bag and that was loads of fun too, if it got to full of fluid it would slip down my leg and pull on the tube that was inserted in you know where and that was not pleasant. On Wed I noticed some blood in the bag and off to the ER in Bellview, Overlake, another great ER. Dr said I had a little
infection but not to worry cause no one ever bled to death through the urethra, good to know. So after finding a Walgreens that stayed open all night, this was about 10 pm, we filled the prescription for some anti-biotic and were good to go.
Narrow Gauge convention was a lot of fun, lots of clinics to attend and learn not only about modeling but also about some of the full size logging and mining railroads that were in the Pacific North West. Had a great week with my son and daughter in law and wished I could have stayed longer but needed to get home and see my own Dr.
So instead of taking the train home I flew, that was a fun trip also, not the ride itself but just getting on the plane. I hadn't flown since 9-11 but I knew that security had been beefed up. And me wearing a bag and also a knee brace didn't help, so off with the belt, shoes, everything in my pockets and through the body scanner I go, probably glow in the dark now, and I get the wand treatment and then the paper wipe that checks for explosive residue, I sure don't envy any of you that need to fly on a regular basis, what a
So back home on Mon and off to Urgent Care on Tues and out comes the catheter, what a relief and I can go again, had to fill a cup so the lab could check for infection. I got a clean bill of health and the plumbing seems to be working OK. Will need to see the Urologist soon and hopefully no further problems will be found. I think all the sitting during the train ride was what did it, I have BPH so it got angry from sitting on it so much it swoll up and shut off the plumbing.
Well, if you've read this far thanks for listening and remember the next time your on a long train ride take a nice soft cushion.:D:thumbup:

There's a Polish saying about getting old: "Starość nie radość" ( there's no happiness in old age)

Anyway, I am glad to hear that you are ok.
You just need a seat shape liked one of those Tiger 800's :D

Glad to see you're back in shape and hopefully ready to ride soon!

I'd like to whip up a group for next Saturday Oct. 6th. Sound like you might wanna ride? I've really enjoyed the Idyllwild rides and hopefully we'll get some cooler days ahead.
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Don't freak me out Jerry, you're my role model as I'm sneaking up behind you in old age.
Glad you're home and feeling better, maybe a ride with 'ol man Cliff will put some spring back in your step!
UGH .. what a PITU (pain in the urethra :BLAA: )
Glad you're doing better now! May wanna drink some cranberry juice every day for a week or so. Supposed to be very good for UTI.
Growing old ain't for sissies. So I take the train to Seattle to attend the Narrow Gauge Convention(model railroading) with my son. Train ride is about 40 hours and I meet some interesting people during the trip, first is young guy from Siberia who is on a holiday from his job in San Diego, nice guy and fun to talk to, says this is a lot nicer than the trains in Russia. Second is a very independent young lady from Australia who is on a holiday also, she had been working in Canada, she is getting off in Portland and plans on
buying a pick-up and venturing to Utah to visit with friend. Said she hitch-hiked through Mexico!! and the only ones to give her a ride were the truck drivers who she said were very nice, has bigger cajonies than I do.
So I'm on my own to Seattle and noticing a reluctance in the old plumbing and when I get to Seattle I need to go every 5 minutes, lots of fun making my son stop for the old man to go, even had to use an alley cause couldn't find any where else to go. So on Sunday I'm having a heck of a time trying to go, won't work and I'm in a bit of pain, so off to the ER on Whidbey Island, great ER, with-in 5 minutes I'm in a room and in goes the folly catheter, what a thrill that is OUCH, and out comes 1 liter of you know what, man what a
relief. BP was 190 over something and that came down to 150 over something(never can remember the second number, must be that CRS thing). They also put me on Flow-Max which so far seems to help. So for the rest of the visit I wore a bag and that was loads of fun too, if it got to full of fluid it would slip down my leg and pull on the tube that was inserted in you know where and that was not pleasant. On Wed I noticed some blood in the bag and off to the ER in Bellview, Overlake, another great ER. Dr said I had a little
infection but not to worry cause no one ever bled to death through the urethra, good to know. So after finding a Walgreens that stayed open all night, this was about 10 pm, we filled the prescription for some anti-biotic and were good to go.
Narrow Gauge convention was a lot of fun, lots of clinics to attend and learn not only about modeling but also about some of the full size logging and mining railroads that were in the Pacific North West. Had a great week with my son and daughter in law and wished I could have stayed longer but needed to get home and see my own Dr.
So instead of taking the train home I flew, that was a fun trip also, not the ride itself but just getting on the plane. I hadn't flown since 9-11 but I knew that security had been beefed up. And me wearing a bag and also a knee brace didn't help, so off with the belt, shoes, everything in my pockets and through the body scanner I go, probably glow in the dark now, and I get the wand treatment and then the paper wipe that checks for explosive residue, I sure don't envy any of you that need to fly on a regular basis, what a
So back home on Mon and off to Urgent Care on Tues and out comes the catheter, what a relief and I can go again, had to fill a cup so the lab could check for infection. I got a clean bill of health and the plumbing seems to be working OK. Will need to see the Urologist soon and hopefully no further problems will be found. I think all the sitting during the train ride was what did it, I have BPH so it got angry from sitting on it so much it swoll up and shut off the plumbing.
Well, if you've read this far thanks for listening and remember the next time your on a long train ride take a nice soft cushion.:D:thumbup:

you sound like you might be needing your first TURP, how often do you need to pee at night? do you have issues with flow, stop starting.
if you want a bit more info you can pm me.

Don't freak me out Jerry, you're my role model as I'm sneaking up behind you in old age.
Glad you're home and feeling better, maybe a ride with 'ol man Cliff will put some spring back in your step!

I think I'm doing OK now, been out working under the old beast of a motor home I bought and other than being a bit greasy I don't have to many sore muscles:thumbup:

Hey Cliff, this Sat or a week from, I think I need a back tire again. So an extra week will see a new tire on and ready for a ride.:D

I think I'm doing OK now, been out working under the old beast of a motor home I bought and other than being a bit greasy I don't have to many sore muscles:thumbup:

Hey Cliff, this Sat or a week from, I think I need a back tire again. So an extra week will see a new tire on and ready for a ride.:D


Yeah sorry, Not this but next Saturday...
Ughh, a TURP. Haven't seen that abbreviation since school. But for some a much needed procedure.
Glad to hear that you managed to relatively endure/survive your trip. Definitely go see your PCP or at least a specialist, especially after a little hematuria (blood in urine).
Like what Erci said "drink some fluids", cranberry juice is good but any fluid is better than none.... but stay away from the "cold bottled drinks", lol.
I'd be more concerned about your elevated BP, is that relatively new? Could be all related to the pain that you were experiencing which can cause that. Either way make sure you have that looked at, elevated BP could potentialy lead to many other problems if left untreated.
Good Luck to you and again, I'm happy to hear you made it alright.
As for the seat advice, didn't you bring your Saddleman or Corbins???:BLAA:
I'm about due (every FIVE years!) for the other end insertion (colonoscopy). Given a choice, I'll take it from the rear (we're talking med instruments only).
"Better than trains in Russia"? Hard to imagine because I remember elaborate uniforms, service on the overnight schedule between Moscow and St. Petersburg.And, they run ON TIME!
I'm about due (every FIVE years!) for the other end insertion (colonoscopy). Given a choice, I'll take it from the rear (we're talking med instruments only).
"Better than trains in Russia"? Hard to imagine because I remember elaborate uniforms, service on the overnight schedule between Moscow and St. Petersburg.And, they run ON TIME!

Been there done that, don't like it:eek:
Maybe he was talking about the trains in Siberia?
Actually Amtrak is doing a good job, we were almost on time into Seattle and after being behind up to an hour that wasn't to bad. Now if they would fix some of the rock and roll trackage it would be an even better ride.

And on another note, I took all my riding gear with me cause my son had a 1990 VFR lined up so we could go riding together, one of the Doc's said should be fine but the other Doc at the second ER said not a good idea, so no riding, probably just as well. Can you imagine hanging off and having the bag burst:BLAA:

And on another note, I took all my riding gear with me cause my son had a 1990 VFR lined up so we could go riding together, one of the Doc's said should be fine but the other Doc at the second ER said not a good idea, so no riding, probably just as well. Can you imagine hanging off and having the bag burst:BLAA:


Just get a longer hose and by a hydration pack! :eek::eek::eek: :spank:

But hey....If you had to!?!?! :rockon:
Even better.... you know those gas tank vent hoses that all the bike have????? :spank: :rolleyes:

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!!!! Coolant tank recovery line!!!! :rof:

We love you Jerry! :p