Great ride today!


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsford, VT
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60 degrees and sunny in NJ! I took the day off and ended up riding for about 6 hours :D

Snapped some pics along the way


Not exactly sure what this structure is, but sure looks cool. Never seen it before.. I love getting lost on my bike :D


Just an average house in the neighborhood I got lost in :eek:


Pretty cool house and I like how the pic turned out :D


And an accidental one from GoPro :rof:

Very nice that silo. Wonder if you can find anything on google about it. There's gotta be a story there.

And that house ain't too shabby either (3rd pic)!
How did you end up in Barbie's Dream World? :BLAA:
That last pic is avatar worthy! Great pics, wish I could have gone too.
The temperature was about the same up here in New England and I did think plenty many times about calling in sick but couldn't... Wish some of you slackers lived close enough to have a bad influence on me..
Thanks for sharing the pics mate :thumbup: But next time you ride past my holiday house , let me know & i'll have a cold beer waiting :BLAA: :BLAA: :BLAA: That is STUNNING :rockon:
great pics Eric :thumbup:, thanks for sharing. That "rumplestilskins" tower is really weird, who knows what goes on in the back woods down your way ;)
Great pictures! I seem to remember that old stone silo in my travels. You can find some really cool places to get lost in back there. :)

When I was a kid my friends and I would find old abandoned places in the woods and sometimes climb an old rickety windmill. I get chills when I think of all the times I'd climb stuff that should have collapsed..... :eek:
Awesome pics! Super jealous you got to ride!

Also, love the topcase. If I haven't thank you, then thank you for helping me get mine...I freakin love it! :thumbup: