Gran Torino


Resident Rumologist
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Sep 10, 2008
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Ipswich , Australia (+10 GMT)
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Finally had the pleasure of seeing Clint IMO at his best :thumbup:... Very clever & well written movie , was made to look like a racist film in the previews which i why it has taken me so long to see it but i really isnt..

Yes there are some very racist comments made in the movie but the way they are delivered & the context of the movie take away from the racism aspect of it.. Its a really hard movie to review because of this reason but it does come Highly Recommended & i'd rate it a solid 8.5 out of 10 :thumbup:
We've got it on Blu-Ray - Mike loved it. I won't see it (same reasons as I delayed watching The Worlds Fastest Indian - old actor - bad accent :eek:).

Maybe I'll watch it one of these days.

Hmmmm, any other good movies coming up soon that I can review.


Coming soon :D:D:D:D
We've got it on Blu-Ray - Mike loved it. I won't see it (same reasons as I delayed watching The Worlds Fastest Indian - old actor - bad accent :eek:).

Maybe I'll watch it one of these days.

Hmmmm, any other good movies coming up soon that I can review.


Coming soon :D:D:D

Check it out Kaz , Clint is great in it :thumbup:

As for Twilight - A saga of Sparkley Shimmery "men" that are somehow Vegetarian vampires :spank: :spank: :spank: Report on how bad it is please :D :D
Twilight = Hot men, muscles, love story, muslces, fighting and more muscles. It's the perfect film :D

There are even motorbikes in it.....

It will be great - I can't wait :D:D:D:D
Twilight = Hot men, muscles, love story, muslces, fighting and more muscles. It's the perfect film :D

There are even motorbikes in it.....

It will be great - I can't wait :D:D:D:D

All i hear between Daughter & Wife is Twilight blah blah blah blah blah blah :( :spank: :spank: :spank: HELP ME , SOMEBODY PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!
If this is wrong, I'm sure the Mods will delete and I'm in trouble...

Sorry, wasn't sure.

EDIT: KAZZA: Had to delete the movie - copyright issues. :D Can't download a movie here.
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OK, I'm going to risk it as I'm new here...

The movie with English and Chinese sub-titles.

If this is wrong, I'm sure the Mods will delete and I'm in trouble...

EDIT: KAZZA: Had to delete the movie - copyright issues. :D Can't download a movie here.

Thanks for that Kaz , you beat me to it :thumbup: It will make for interesting viewing when i get home though :D
Gran Torino is a good movie, I'd recomend it to anyone who has an open mind to watch. Lots of swearing and racist remarks, but most are done in such a way that it doesn't seem so bad. It's kinda one of those things that you recognize it as a generation who grew up like that and are unwilling to change or say they are sorry.

It was very moving and even funny in places.

As for the Twilight, I had a friend who went to the movie only knowing it had Vampires in it. He was sorry he went.
This was an Epic film, Clint at his absolute best. I remember at the ending, Everyone in the movie theater was sitting there just staring at the credits. great film.
Great movie. Very powerful. I may have to watch it again with the girlfriend tonight. Thanks for the reminder!
As for the Twilight, I had a friend who went to the movie only knowing it had Vampires in it. He was sorry he went.

OK we have "Quote" and "Thanks" but where is the "Sorry" button!!!! lol

And the "SORRY" two years later button! :don'tknow:
Finally had the pleasure of seeing Clint IMO at his best :thumbup:... Very clever & well written movie , was made to look like a racist film in the previews which i why it has taken me so long to see it but i really isnt..

Yes there are some very racist comments made in the movie but the way they are delivered & the context of the movie take away from the racism aspect of it.. Its a really hard movie to review because of this reason but it does come Highly Recommended & i'd rate it a solid 8.5 out of 10 :thumbup:

I had to see this way back when as it was the around the same time when Universal Studio's released the Fast and the Furious Four which had my Hot Rod I'd owned for 24 years in it. [ame=]Fast & Furious 4: Ford Gran Torino - YouTube[/ame] Sadly like the rest is was hammered!!!!

Clint's F bombs are endless but the movie is priceless! Well done but messed up at the end. . . Well depending on your point of view I suppose.
I aspire to be as cranky a hard ass as Clint is in the movie when I get to be his age..
I'm in training at the moment ...:cool:

Great movie though. :thumbup:
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