Got hit this morning...


Junior Member
Jul 14, 2009
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Lynchburg, VA
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I was about 5 minutes from work, stopped at a Red Light. Like I always do at a light, I tap my brakes several times, trying to get the attention of the people behind me. I also turn around to see them and check if they are actually slowing down. As I am turning my head, this moron in a Pickup Truck comes rolling into me...

I am VERY, VERY thankful that it was at a slow speed and that he didn't hit me flying into the busy intersection.

On the other hand, I AM FURIOUS! The guy was totally indifferent to it like, "Oh its no big deal, the sun was in my eyes! Look, there's no damage." ARE YOU SERIOUS...I was yelling at the guy letting him know that he is a complete moron and doesn't deserve to have a idiot that was not paying attention. He got hit with a fine but that's about it. I was restraining myself from wrapping my hands around his neck. If it wasn't for the fact that he was so nonchalant to the whole thing, maybe I would have been a little calmer about it. I hate people that are like that...I really do. They should be forced to take a course or something...anything that will open their eyes to motorcycles and riders.
Sorry to hear about that. What a jerk.

Will you get your bike looked at to be 100% sure everything is straight and true before he's off the hook?
Thankfully you are not hurt! Yeah the guy should be flogged for being an arse but you did the right thing by holding back.
Thanks guys. I'll be going to the shop, hopefully today and see if they can take a quick look. From first glance, the brunt of the hit went into the rear tire and my license plate. Even my exhausts weren't touched, or so it seems. I'll have them take a look shortly.

Be careful riding out there all...people have become a lot dumber and with even more distractions while driving, we are at even more risk than before.
All that really matters is that you weren't injured. Its just an additional benefit that your bike appears to be unharmed.

People these days are always distracted by something and just simply dont pay attention. Very upsetting and at the same time aggravating. Good job keeping your cool and handling the situation like an adult.
I really like giving my clutch hand a rest at red lights, but stories like this make me not want to.

I guess once a car or two behind me has successfully stopped moving and started texting and eating and reading the newspaper, I can N-rest for a moment.
I was about 5 minutes from work, stopped at a Red Light. Like I always do at a light, I tap my brakes several times, trying to get the attention of the people behind me. I also turn around to see them and check if they are actually slowing down. As I am turning my head, this moron in a Pickup Truck comes rolling into me...

I am VERY, VERY thankful that it was at a slow speed and that he didn't hit me flying into the busy intersection.

On the other hand, I AM FURIOUS! The guy was totally indifferent to it like, "Oh its no big deal, the sun was in my eyes! Look, there's no damage." ARE YOU SERIOUS...I was yelling at the guy letting him know that he is a complete moron and doesn't deserve to have a idiot that was not paying attention. He got hit with a fine but that's about it. I was restraining myself from wrapping my hands around his neck. If it wasn't for the fact that he was so nonchalant to the whole thing, maybe I would have been a little calmer about it. I hate people that are like that...I really do. They should be forced to take a course or something...anything that will open their eyes to motorcycles and riders.
I really feel your pain mate,
What a complete P@@@k. It's almost like it's your fault. I wonder if he would have such a poor attitude if the tables were reversed?
Glad your not hurt, just remember what comes around goes around.

Glad you're okay! I'm glad you're pi$$ed and not hurt. Good that you kept your cool bro!
mke sure the frame and swing arm aren't bent or damaged

they guy should still have to pay for a FULL health check of your bike and any damage (at stealership prices)
Not only do we have to watch for caggers but also cyclist. Over the weekend I witness a cyclist cross the street when he did not have the right of way and a guy on his HD had to brake quickly. He locked his back tire, got thrown off and his bike went into the woods. He seemed OK, he was limping to the side of the road.
stopped at a Red Light. Like I always do at a light, I tap my brakes several times, trying to get the attention of the people behind me. I also turn around to see them and check if they are actually slowing down. As I am turning my head, this moron in a Pickup Truck comes rolling into me...


I have these, so I don't have to tap my brake lights. Plus they are LED's and equate to 32 pods of flashing lights to get the drivers atttention. They must work, I never got rear ended while I was riding in Vegas for five years.

Hyperlites Flashing LED Motorcycle brake lights, Running Lights and Turn Signal