Got caught....again


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May 26, 2007
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Northern Cali
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On the last day of my 2008 riding season (Nov 30), I got a speeding ticket for going 50 in a 35 mph zone. The speed limit had just change from 45, but I got nailed anyway.

Yesterday, I was on a 625 mile ride to an on the roads along the Mississippi river. On the way back, on the highway, as I round a curve I see a state trooper, standing on the left side shoulder. He is pointing at me and gestures for me to pull over. So, I do and a few minutes later another state trooper comes up behind me with his lights on.

While I was waiting, I look at the GPS max speed....102 mph...hmm not helping my case. However that was earlier in the day when I was passing someone.

So, the officer walks up and says "is this the 2007 yamaha?" I said yes..but I should have tried to start a conversation. "How fast do you think you were going?" I said about 80 mph (mistake #2). He said the clocked me at 86 mph in a 65 mph zone with LIDAR.

I normally go about 80 mph (indicated). However, when my spedo says 80, the GPS says 76. I would have to have been going an indicated 90 for their story to be right. No way I was going that fast.

Anyway the cop says "I'm going to write you up for 84 mph, is that fair?". I said that a warning would be better...but he wasn't going for it. The ticket is the same for anything under 20mph over, so arguing that I was really only going upper 70's would not have worked.

This is the first time that I've gotten a ticket on the highway. If this had happened 7 days from now, my 2008 ticket would have been wiped out. Now, I will really need to be careful, because if I get another ticket this year, I'm looking at a suspended license.

I don't know what I was thinking. Before the ride, I thought about looking up the date when my 2008 ticket would go away. Had I done that, I would have been a little more careful. So, I'm really sorry that I got caught!:spank:
That sucks dude. Gotta have that po-dar on at all times.

Can't you take the points test after a year to clear away the points from your previous ticket?
Sadly, I went to traffic school after the first one and was on court supervision. If I had stayed ticket free till May 30, the first ticket would have been expunged, and I would have only had the new ticket on my record. That's what really sucks.
Craig, you and I met at the motorcycle show in Chicago and I remember you telling me about that first ticket. You're too good a guy to be getting all these tickets. I'm sorry to hear this news but I guess the good news is that you're feeling a lot more confident on the Fizz. Be careful my friend.
hahaha!! just convince your self that the ticket is just a souvinere from place you've been caught! haha! do think that it is only a part of being a motorcyclist! you got me right? haha!
hahaha!! just convince your self that the ticket is just a souvinere from place you've been caught! haha! do think that it is only a part of being a motorcyclist! you got me right? haha!

Banned <=haha!
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If any other members gets any tickets in the future, take some pics! Let's see those flashing lights.
Ughh. I feel for ya man, Tickets suck! They are expensive and take up a lot of time.... I know, I've gotten two within the last 13 months. Needless to say I drive slow all the time now.

-Good luck!
i got a speeding ticket last month driving the tow truck. then i got 2 tickets last week. one for driving out of my class CDL and not reg. the truck with UCR unified carrier registration. and a warning for missing a weigh station.
Ouch! I think we have all been there, or just missed. It really makes you think twice when you hear all the stories, and sit back thinking to yourself "that will never happen to me", guess again! It will happen, its just a matter of 'when'.
I received my first ticket EVER earlier this season. 74 in a 55 just turned 35 as I was crossing the state line. Notorious speed trap area to all - except us. I will say that the officer was very decent, in that he had both of us dead to rights and could of easily given us both a ticket - but instead got back out of his car and said he was only going to write one - who wants it!
The picture is for those of us who may still need a reminder now and again. :)
At the moment the way the system works here is that the ticket goes away as soon as you pay it. There is a new system coming in soon where points will be deducted and licence suspensions issued so we will need to be more careful then.