Golden Shower


Junior Member
Sep 27, 2008
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This didn't happen today but it's something I learnt with my previous bike and might save a similar thing happening to you.
I was out for a spin on the Trident and was riding between Bridgwater and Minehead on the A39, a really nice biking road. As with a lot of roads in the UK there are plenty of bends some nice curves a few short straights and a couple of longer ones.
It was a clear dry day and the road was clear in front when I left Bridgewater so I proceeded with speed until after a few miles came upon a long line of slower moving cars. As the overtaking opportunities presented themselves I would pass 1 or 2 and then get back in and wait for my next chance to pass. A few miles later I was within striking distance of the front of the hold up and could see that a truck was the offender. A chance to pass then presented itself and I set off for the front of the queue and open road heaven.
Unfortunately as I was passing and just approaching the truck a boy racer was approaching at a fair old rate of knots so I had to pull in behind the truck, It was at this point I noticed it was a cattle truck and before I could get passed one of the occupants of said truck decided to have a waz, there was no escape I was covered in cow pee, the only saving grace was that my visor was down!
I will add however that my leathers were never as supple prior to this incident as they were after it.

Lesson 1. Follow at a safe distance.
Lesson 2. New leathers stiff and uncumfy?, P*ss on em!:thumbup:
Dude that is gross. I'm glad to hear you had your visor down.....that could have caused an accident. Hope your next ride goes better for you.
Going over Ebbetts Pass in CA a couple of years ago, I had to wait for a herd of cattle that was being moved by ranchers down the road. After traffic was allowed to proceed, the road was covered in cow pies, quite slippery and almost unavoidable.

No funny comment here, it was a dangerous on a bike, much worse than sand but not as bad as gasoline.
Agree with MarinaFazer, that was Hall of Shame material! :D

I make it a habit of never following a flatbed that's towing Port-a-Potties for kinda the same reason. I've only watched one episode of MTV's Jackass, that involved a portapotty, an idiot, a seatbelt, and a forklift. WTF?!?!? :barf: :barf: :barf:
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I forgot what you call them...I always just call it the "dead animal factory"'s one of those places where roadkill and dead farm animals are sent to be hacked up and processed. Anyway, it smells absolutely terrible and there are big red dump trucks on the freeway around the area that are full of dead and rotting animals. I learned not to follow those too close.
I forgot what you call them...I always just call it the \"dead animal factory\"'s one of those places where roadkill and dead farm animals are sent to be hacked up and processed. Anyway, it smells absolutely terrible and there are big red dump trucks on the freeway around the area that are full of dead and rotting animals. I learned not to follow those too close.

A rendering plant. There are a few of them in the Vernon (S. Los Angeles) area, and on a nice, smoggy summer afternoon it's just fragrant!