

Custom Abuser
Jun 12, 2007
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Huntington Beach
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I'm having a lot of trouble getting used to riding with gloves. It's not a comfort thing as much as an actual strain on my hands. I can get used to the different circumference of a bar while lifting weights but I can't get used to the grip with gloves on.

My hands get very sore, even before I get to my destination. These gloves aren't much fatter than the gloves I saw in cycle gear. I don't know what to do. I just can't get used to them. It's a struggle to ride with them on, and such a relief to take them off...and I know my reaction if I fall is going to be to hand on my hands.
what make of gloves are they as i struggle with getting gloves in the right size and which part of the glove makes your hands ache?
I too hate gloves, sure wont ride without them but hate them. The most comfortable so far have been snap-on mechanics gloves, but no protection. I sure as hell dont want to hurt my hands or any other part of me.
I use to never ride with gloves either but now I feel naked without them. The biggest thing about gloves is getting a pair that fit you like.....well, a glove. LOL If the gloves are too big or loose they tend to wad up in the palms and slide around on the fingers making your hands sore. If the gloves are too small or tight they can cut off blood circulation causing your hands to go numb. I just bought a new pair of gloves last week and I'm not kidding, it took me over 45 minutes to find a pair that I felt comfortable with. The way I choose gloves is to find a pair that fit my hands just a tad tight but not so much that they squeeze my hands. This will allow your hands stretch the gloves to a perfect fit when breaking them in. They should end up not too tight, not too loose, but just right. Your gloves are a major link from you to the bikes controls so you want to get the right ones. Gloves can get expensive but don't skimp because of price. If the more expensive gloves fit you better go ahead and pay the price. You'll be much happier and the gloves will probably last longer anyway.
They are pricey but awesome. The deer or elkskin is very very supple, soft, flexable, and stronger than cow skin.
It is also thinner but does a better job.

I thought I wore a 9.5 in elkskin roper but I really were a 9. IF they are a tight, they will stretch to fit. The are light rain proof, not downpour though they dry out and return to shape just fine. they are washable by hand in warm water.

Highly reccomended.
If you can afford them they Deersports by Lee parks are supposed to be some of the best goves available.
I have not tried them yet.

Aerostich/RiderWearHouse Motorcycle Jackets, Suits, Clothing, & Gear
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I started wearing gloves in my MX days, and now my hands usually hurt when I don't wear them, because I grab on to hard. I feel that my grip is looser with gloves because of the vastly improved grip between them and my grips compared to my palms. I agree though that you need to find a pair of gloves that fits you. Even working outside with a pair of gloves that dont fit my hands correctly is a big annoyance. Go to your local dealer and try on as many pairs as you can, and if they don't have ones that you like, try finding somewhere else that has different brands. Or you could just decide to order some cheap ones from a website that has them on clearance. They may just be the ones that fit you. Good luck. Also if you're riding along focusing on whats coming up, and you get to a straight or a place where there is no traffic take a second and pay attention to your grip pressure, if you have to just loosen and relax it. It is easy to get caught up in riding and grab on wayy to hard for a few miles and make your hands sore.
You get what you pay for. full guantlet FTW

Get some track gloves...they fit/perform best and offer by far the most protection. You wouldn't catch me on a bike with those deerskin or similar those for the HD guys. Of course you wouldn't catch me with those cowboy boot things you wear either.

When I push my bike around the garage or whatever when it's not running, it feels weird to work the controls without gloves on.

I just got some Held Phantom's (black) from STG for $50 off retail shipped! Pretty much the best gloves available when it comes to feel and protection. They even come with a visor squeegie thing in the index finger.
Prilosec lawyers
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I tried some 'thin' leather ones in the palm area...same as what I already have. I need something thats some type of thin metallic mesh in the palm. Do they make such a thing?
Whooooa wheres the fire truck??? I have a pair of Cortech Accelerators, like fz6xlr8r I took my time trying on gloves. I actually sat on a bike at the dealer with the gloves on playing with the controls seeing how the gloves felt. they were around $50.00 money well spent. I do think the next set will be full gauntlet gloves.
If you have a Cycle Gear near you go in and try the Frank Thomas kangaroo skin/armored knuckled gloves. I'm on my second pair and really like them. I went down at 65 mph and the hands never got a scratch.
gloves , good

I have to admit, though I wear gloves, they are fingerless leather gloves. They dont have any plastic or metal on the palms, but they do keep my hands
somewhat protected from flying rocks, rain, etc while giving me relative comfort. I was reading a book by Keith Code, called a twist of the wrist part 2, and in the book he talks about Survival Reactions, or SR, and one thing that is automatic is when you start to dive to the ground is to put your hands out. That is an automatic and quite wrong reaction. The best thing is to tuck your hands into your body, drop your chin to your chest, drop the shoulder that is closer to the ground and roll. Although I have not crashed my bike to see if my advice works there, I did mess my palms up when I was in Greece, I got really drunk on ouzo and was racing my good buddy back to the ship when I seemed to missed the ground with one foot and nose dived to the ground, and guess what, I put out my arms palm first to the ground. OMG that was painful. So its in my mind not to pick gravel out of my palm ever again.
I dont know if they even make something with metal or something other than leather in the palms. I went to cycle gear, where they had quite a selection, and hte lady said none of them did. I could live iwth the lack of comfort if it meant protection.
My Joe Rocket gloves have some abrasion resistant stuff in the palm of the hand.

The part you use for a "palm heel strike" in martial arts ....also the part that would hit the ground first if God forbid that was where you were headed
I've got a pair of Wolf kangaroo hide, the kangaroo is a lot softer than a standard cow hide and feels a better fit.
I've got a pair of Wolf kangaroo hide, the kangaroo is a lot softer than a standard cow hide and feels a better fit.

And 2 or 3 times the abrasion resistance. My Held Phantoms have stingray skin on a section of the palms (where some gloves have metal rivets)....crazy!

EDIT - sting ray on the outer fingers so that your hand slides instead of grabbing at the pavement (larger piece on palm). Squeegie on the left index finger.
Homemade Preteen
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I have a pair of Teknic gauntlets that have the rivets like some of the Held gloves have. They also have keprotec kevlar/leather mix on the pinky and edge of the palm.
They are decent, but from what I understand Held gloves do have the best reputation for protection and long wear.
I used my elkskin aerostitch gauntlets in the pouring down rain for 100 miles today. I like them. I really like the built in thumb squeege, I like that they are washable and when they get wet its no big deal.
I like the elkskin because it is more abrasion resistent than cow leather, its washable, it feels soft, and it conforms well to my hand.