GLOVES!!!! so hard to find ones that fit


Junior Member
May 17, 2012
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First of all, I must have the longest pinky finger known to man, because I can't find a pair of gloves that will allow the tip of my pinky finger to be against the end of the glove and have the between finger webbing sit against my hand. On most all gloves, the webbing ends up sitting between my hand and first pinky knuckle. While this probably doesn't sound bad, its incredibly annoying to the point that I normally just go gloveless.....which I don't like to do.

Also, I can't wear a thick glove. I feel so disconnected from the bike when I wear thicker gloves that it just feels like a crash waiting to happen. They throw my whole ride off.

I have some cycling gloves that are fingerless that I could wear all day. I've also found a pair of joe rocket big bang that are comfortable but protection is minimal. Right now, any glove is better than no glove, but what is the least amount of protection in a glove that you would wear?
I think Held makes gloves for long fingers. Apart from that, you'd probably be looking at paying a leather shop to customize them, or rigging up glove trees (Like shoe trees -- I just made that up, I think.) or maybe some sort of rack or jig with clamps to stretch the fingers.
If it's just your pinky, and the rest of your fingers fit in glove size X, just cut the tip of the pinky. Not ideal, but better than gloveless or being uncomfortable.

I'm the opposite... I think my thumb is disproportionately bigger. In my A* SMX2s, the pinky has a bit of room, the thumbs are smooshed.
Its wierd, i buy gloves that are slightly too big, then i force my self to wear them until i find another pair, then they get incredibly comfortable and a smaller size is now uncomfortable LOL. Try a bigger size that gets comfortable when you grip the bars :)
it's not your pinky that's extra long, it's your other fingers that are just short :) I guess I am the opposite of you since every glove I tried on fit great but the pinky is always too long but I deal with it.
I haven't found a pair of mesh gloves that fit comfortably. I have long fingers and typically wear between a 2XL and 3XL. If the left glove fits and feels good, then the right usually feels weird in the pinky or thumb area. It's very annoying. During these hot days, I've just been sticking to my broken-in, very comfortable, Icon Justice leather gloves. lol :thumbup:
yeah cutting the pinky out is looking very appealing. 2xl gloves are too big for me, but they still don't give me the room that I need in the pinky.....they are much closer, but then the rest of the hand fitment makes the glove feel too loose and I feel like I lose connection with the bike with bulky loose gloves on. Maybe I'm just impossible to please :eek:

How much protection do you guys look for in a glove? would you feel ok about going down with the joe rocket big bangs on?