Getting dressed!


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Jul 9, 2011
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I find it funny how this bike is known for being a naked sports bike and a lot of us are buying parts to cover up some of the nakeyness! :don'tknow:

Oh well here is my new OEM lower fairing (cowl)...




I am very happy with it, adds that something extra to the bike and matches much better than i had anticipated.

On a side not, i've put 200 or so miles on the bike, i would say highway for the most part, this also being my first bike i'm almost a little bored of it and want something with more power. I don't like how sluggish it is until you get above 7k rpms... I am changing the oil tomorrow (mobile 1) since it is due for a change and going to put 100 octane fuel in to see what kind of a difference it makes.

I mean the thing is quick and has ya goin 80 before ya know it, but i feel like an R1 is already calling my name ahaha. Oh well the original plan was to have this for my first year and then step up...i am already wanting to take the jump tho!;)
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Before you spend extra money on fuel you might want to read what higher octane gas does for you, long story short the only power you will gain is due to less weight being in your wallet.
Learn to ride first - 200 miles, first bike and you want more power?.....

You'll be a newbie for a while my friend. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Crashing a bike you're unable to ride properly is. You don't buy a Ferrari for a first car or start racing Indy until you learn how to drive a Honda Civic :eek: That being said, the FZ6 is NO Honda Civic.

Stay safe. You're a long way from being able to handle an R1.....
you dont really need power to have fun on a sport bike, I started to ride on a ninja 500, then on a FZR 600? and then i thought i was really good at riding that i bought a 2007 R6, had that thing for a year and over 4k miles. Then it went pop :spank:. with that being said, one year on this FZ6 and I have had more fun then any other bike i have owned because of my riding skill. its all on the curves my friend. like the above post said get rid of those chicken strips before you upgrade. you will thank yourself later.
Agree with above post. I went to a litre bike but came back to a 600. The acceleration was so ridiculous it wasn't fun because you were literally doing twice the speed limit in 2 seconds. A friend said to me I will always have a 600 because it's fun revving the sh** out of it. On a bigger bike you have to back off so quickly. I agreed and so here I am with my trusty fz6.
Thank you for the replies! You all made some fairly good points but in my defense, i have been riding bicycles, atvs, dirt bikes, jetskis, boats and snow mobiles my whole life so i am no where new to motorsports. Not your average beginner rider by any means.

I think just riding my two 600 2-stroke sleds with studded tracks is making me many a little more out of the bike.

An r1 might be too much ever but i definitely see me getting an r6 in the near future. Just a matter of time.
If you dont like it & its to slow & boring & yada yada yada WHY THE HELL DID YOU BUY IT ????????? :rant: 200 miles dude on your first bike means you have no idea what the bike is capable of :shakehead: Have even seen a twisty road yet ?? Your slow , boring little FZ6 will hold its own against R1's in the twisties dont worry about that.....
The FZ6 is my first "sport" oriented bike, and to be honest I was a little disappointed with it at first because down low it seemed sluggish to me too.

BUT after taking my time to get to know the bike, having that crazy peak power available in the high RPMs but having it be tame down low creates an amazing balance. You can straight up fly on the thing when you want to but can cruise with ease when you don't.

Get your skill level up and learn to rev it high if the power is what you want.
If you dont like it & its to slow & boring & yada yada yada WHY THE HELL DID YOU BUY IT ????????? :rant: 200 miles dude on your first bike means you have no idea what the bike is capable of :shakehead: Have even seen a twisty road yet ?? Your slow , boring little FZ6 will hold its own against R1's in the twisties dont worry about that.....

Its definitely quick once you get it above 7k but i bought the Fz as my first starting bike and to rid the thing in a year and jump up the next level.
Its definitely quick once you get it above 7k but i bought the Fz as my first starting bike and to rid the thing in a year and jump up the next level.

I hope if you plan to get rid of the FZ in a year you are planning to pick up a different 600, like a CBR or something along those lines and not a liter bike. You will not be ready to handle one with a years experience. Unless you just enjoy drag racing the red lights, you will get put in your place by 600's and probably a few 500's in the twisties.
Thank you for the replies! You all made some fairly good points but in my defense, i have been riding bicycles, atvs, dirt bikes, jetskis, boats and snow mobiles my whole life so i am no where new to motorsports. Not your average beginner rider by any means.

I think just riding my two 600 2-stroke sleds with studded tracks is making me many a little more out of the bike.

An r1 might be too much ever but i definitely see me getting an r6 in the near future. Just a matter of time.

An r6 is going to give you the same "boring" feel low in the rpm range, and quite frankly, be even worse. Sure, it has more PEAK horsepower, but look at the dyno sheets. There's almost no difference between the two down low.

A fool and his bike will soon be parted. Learn to ride first, then, and only then, can you think about moving up.
Mmm want some ranch with those chicken strips??
Why don't you go buy a new exhaust
Go -1 on your front sprocket
Get a power commander and speedo healer
Then actually hit some twisties and let us know if your still bored with the bike

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This is someones t little saying at the blotting of their post and I love it ....when you can corner at full throttle ....then you can upgrade.
If you wanna go fast in a straight line get in to top fuel drag racing
why would you believe youneed an r1 or 6. Your reason should have nothing to do with speed unless your toping out the fz6 all the time in all conditions which it doesn't sound like your doing in all honesty your probably not using a 1/4 of the power or potential soooo why waste more power or potential on a different bigger bike
Lol i'm gone need someone to fill me in on these "chicken strips" ha. That just referring to straight aways? I actually do have some very nice twisties all around me that did scare me my first day.
Lol i'm gone need someone to fill me in on these "chicken strips" ha. That just referring to straight aways? I actually do have some very nice twisties all around me that did scare me my first day.
They refer to the wideness of the stripes of the unused portion of your tire aka how far over you can corner
Lol i'm gone need someone to fill me in on these "chicken strips" ha. That just referring to straight aways? I actually do have some very nice twisties all around me that did scare me my first day.

Chicken strips are the unworn areas around the edge of the rear tire. The bigger the strip, the less you lean the bike over in a corner, the bigger chicken you are, hence chicken strips.