

Avid 4WD Hunter
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Sep 6, 2008
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South Australia
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I figured it was time to display what sort of a geek I really

Does anyone else do any Geocaching?

For those that don't know, there is a huge number of people world wide involved in a game. It's a treasure hunt of sorts with the object being more about the hunt than the treasure:thumbup:.

All over the world small and even sometimes large containers are being hidden in all sorts of unlikely spots. Usually these containers hold a note pad and pen for logging your visit and other little knick knacks like Maccas happy meal toys that you can swap for something out of your collection.

You log on to the web site to select a cache to find and then, using GPS and any hints that might be given try to find the cache, log your visit in the note pad and swap a toy...all without being seen by muggles ( non geocaching folk ). These hides are all over the place and chances are you've passed any number of them today:eek::D.

The caches vary in type and difficulty, with virtual caches (no container...just something to take note of and report about to the cache owner), multi caches where the coords given lead to a clue to find the cache or another series of clues. There are webcam caches where all you have to do is appear on the cam and report in and mystery caches which are also not at the given coords but a clue is.

The cache locations are fairly well vetted before placement, to make sure they are reasonably safe and legal so basically it's a case of fun for the whole family:rockon:.

Some of the hides are absolutely amazing. You could be looking right at the container and not know it. I've seen one that is an extra part of a statue that hundreds of people pass every day and even when you know it's there it is almost impossible to

Anyhow I've been displaying my geeky side to Wolfman who just happens to have a geeky side also reckons the Wolfcub will love it...and it looks like we might start to do the odd cache here and there on our rides:thumbup:.

I've got a couple lined up for the Sunday ride so Wolfman can get a feel for it.

So if you're a cacher, keen to try, or want to know more. Post here or shoot me a PM and I'll try to guide you straight:thumbup:.

When I got my bike, a co-worker told me about this and gave me a web site that he uses a lot (I'll have to ask him what the site was again). It sounds like a blast - I don't have a GPS (yet), but would like to give it a whirl when I do. You are right - there are a lot of locations all around you and if you don't know about geocaching, you are clueless to them.
This is an awesome excuse to ride to even more your work Ozzieboy......this is gonna be fun!

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Yup, I cache. I just got into it a while back, but a fellow biker and I have gone out a couple of times on the bikes, stopped to hunt a few, then continue down the road to find some more. Makes for a nice little adventure to places you may have never seen before, let alone knew about. I have a Garmin 200W that I use on the bike that holds cache information, and will alert me if a cache is within 1000 feet. On foot, I use a Delorme PN-20. It's even fun in the winter, now that the bikes are put away for their long winter naps.

My wife and I cache once and a while when were are out and about. We have over 200 caches found. Its pretty neat it helps us to find interesting things we normally would not ever know existed. Happy Caching
I use a Garmin GPS60, but unfortunately I have to nut out roughly where to stop as I don't have a mount for it yet. My phone is great for bluetoothing directions to my headphones but won't take coordinates as far as I can tell:spank:.
Ah can't win 'em I'll get it sorted eventually, no doubt.
I've just started Geocaching myself after finding some caches with a friend of mine. Till now i've found 7 in my area. Today I got my first travel bug that needs to move east to the Persian Gulf :D

It's a really nice way to discover places you've never been to, and even interesting places in your own area. And it makes for a nice excuse to go for more rides :thumbup:

btw: I'm Kriegel at the site.
I've just started Geocaching myself after finding some caches with a friend of mine. Till now i've found 7 in my area. Today I got my first travel bug that needs to move east to the Persian Gulf :D

It's a really nice way to discover places you've never been to, and even interesting places in your own area. And it makes for a nice excuse to go for more rides :thumbup:

btw: I'm Kriegel at the site.

G'day mate. I've been a bit slack since I made this I do fully intend to more caching. This will likely stop me losing my licence in the long

I'm Burt96. This is just the coolest world wide treasure hunt:D

(Yes I am a

I missed this thread last year. I just signed up and see that there are hundreds of them within 3 miles of my home. I'll go looking on my bicycle for some of them today.

Thanks for the tip on a new diversion!!
I have never heard of this. What fun!! I just put my zip code in, and there are 993 within 25 miles of my hometown. I can't wait for warmer weather to go searching! :cheer:
Mikey , Mikey , Mikey why didnt you explain this better heaps earlier :spank: , i had flashed over you talking bout heading into the mountains to do some Caching before but always thought it was some crazy technical scientific tom foolery :D and glazed over :eek: IM SORRY forgive me , i now understand how much fun it would be , what better excuse to play hide and seek :D and i think my kids would love it too :thumbup: Thanks for sharing mate , a PM has been defered from my sent box to your inbox regarding this matter :thumbup:
Mikey , Mikey , Mikey why didnt you explain this better heaps earlier :spank: , i had flashed over you talking bout heading into the mountains to do some Caching before but always thought it was some crazy technical scientific tom foolery :D and glazed over :eek: IM SORRY forgive me , i now understand how much fun it would be , what better excuse to play hide and seek and i think my kids would love it too :thumbup: Thanks for sharing mate , a PM has been defered from my sent box to your inbox regarding this matter :thumbup:

LOL...this explanation is from July Last Year:rolleyes:;). I think it pretty much sums it up:thumbup:.

You sure that "Glazing over" wasn't a symptom of Banana

But yeah. Sign up for free and give it a go. If you like some dough and you'll get extra caches, be able to download straight to your GPS, and other things. There are also clean up days, pub lunches and all sorts. Good way to meet other nutters with GPS'

I also play a similar game, usually always in my house, (searching for keys, gloves, where'd I put that darn book?) and I hide them all myself!!
I am getting a GPS from Santa for Christmas this year, so I can't wait for nice weather to go play!! Another good excuse to go riding!! :cheer:
I'd say it's time for the first FZ6 travelbugs! The ultimate "is red faster than blue" challenge. Will the blue fz6 travel bug get to Oz quicker than the red one :D Plan is to hide the caches with Christmas, and then we'll see :thumbup:
I'd say it's time for the first FZ6 travelbugs! The ultimate "is red faster than blue" challenge. Will the blue fz6 travel bug get to Oz quicker than the red one :D Plan is to hide the caches with Christmas, and then we'll see :thumbup:

LOL..that's an awesome idea. Shame you can't seem to get FZ6 Would have to use something else....a cutout in Ally for instance.
I also play a similar game, usually always in my house, (searching for keys, gloves, where'd I put that darn book?) and I hide them all myself!!
I am getting a GPS from Santa for Christmas this year, so I can't wait for nice weather to go play!! Another good excuse to go riding!! :cheer:

You do that as well, isn't it amazing how skillful we can be at hiding stuff! Somehow I don't think the GPS will help in that regard though!