Gear is Kinda Important

My son (He rides>) sent me this...

I don't think I've ever seen a bike slide so far for so long....Lol! - Nice Hit and Slide Dude
Maybe all those bikes just blew by and intimidated all those cages? Who may have felt very cautious about stopping.
Just saying. There is always two sides.
An observation: Notice how not one of the passing cars slowed down or even changed lanes to the left when they say the fallen bike and rider in the middle of the highway. This shows you how much cagers have distain for bikers. If I saw a fallen bike I would put my flashers on and stop in the lane behind the fallen bike until they got it safely to the shoulder.

Most drivers would stop if they saw a car flipped over on it's side in the road but "F you bikers!" :Flip:
Maybe all those bikes just blew by and intimidated all those cages? Who may have felt very cautious about stopping.
Just saying. There is always two sides.

Stopping on a road way to help someone can have many factors to consider. One may be you or your family in the car becoming a statistic. If you're alone you might stop but if you have your kids you might not. Or you might stop at a safe distance beyond the event and walk or run back. Some people are squeamish and can't deal with an injured person.

Being a first responder takes training and a pretty specific personality that many people don't have. Can't always judge from one perspective or camera angle.

I was witness to and the first responder as a professional to one accident that I will never forget. Some things you will never get used to and get burned into you. Whether you are a citizen, LEO, EMT, or other, responding to an accident is never a decision to take lightly for the person that's injured or you and those around you. Sometimes it's just instant gut decision and even if your just there to comfort and hold a hand, you can save a person's life by minimalizing stress they are experiencing at that time.