GAS is going up what are you paying

$3.65 at Arco(usually the cheapest around) and going up almost everyday. And it's easy to say we have it nice compared to the UK, unless you live in CA were just trying to make ends meet is nearly impossible if you make less than six figures a year! Lets see here, we've got $100+ vehicle registrations, that go up every year, 60 cents a gallon gasoline tax, sales tax a 9.25%, smog testing BS, ever increasing income tax, already higher than average fuel prices due to ridiculous regulations, and we pay more for everything due to over-regulations on EVERYTHING, and that's just to start!! And now we get this to top it all off. And let's not forget that when fuel goes up, so does everything else. Some of also have a long commute, and we have no choice in the matter. Can't afford to move, and you have to go where the work is. Well, there ain't much of that here!

I also love how nobody has mentioned Obama's lovely moratorium on offshore drilling! Gee, I'm sure that has nothing to with it right?! Naw, that couldn't be affecting oil prices! :rolleyes:

Another thing : Do you really think those "evil oil companies" really want gas this expensive?! With gas going this high, people are going to use only what's absolutely necessary. That means less sales! Less sales means, duh, less profit! And we GET to complain, because we're paying more courtesy of our own/and or governments frickin' stupidity! We SHOULD complain, and fix this unnecessary mess before it gets worse. /End Rant
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You know I remember the goverment used to dump the oil reserve on the market to bring the gas prices back down......I have'nt heard of this happening since 2000.....wonder what could have stopped that.... :spank:
You know I remember the goverment used to dump the oil reserve on the market to bring the gas prices back down......I have'nt heard of this happening since 2000.....wonder what could have stopped that.... :spank:

Actually, what is stopping it? There seems to be some talk of it, but no headway. Did I miss some news? Seriously, I don't know. lol I read that we can tap other countries' reserves, but that seems a bit pointless.
I worked what we pay in the UK

it comes to $4.88 / gallon :(

it is 95 octane, though. We don't get and lower octane than that
(UK£ 1.30) a litre = 7.92286686 U.S. dollars per US gallon

haha you just blew my mind.

It's scary that I got an A at GCSE in maths, although that was many moons ago ;D
With gas prices so high can you use 87 octain in the FZ6?

Yea you can run it on 87 with no problem,but is a few cents you save realy gonna make a difference in your budget? a Coke costs a $1.39 buy a 12 pack to keep in the fridge and you can save a little over $7.00 a week.bring your lunch to work and save $35.00 more a week. Oh yea :welcome: to the forum!!
That's over $9 a gallon! I thought Oslo was one of the most expensive cities when I was in Europe.

Almost 80% of the gas price in Norway are different taxes. Gas is still a luxury item here, strangely enough. We pay a lot in taxes, but then school is free, health care is free, and we are all granted a pension when we retire.

Oslo is consistently in the top three when the finance papers rank the most expensive cities in the world, btw.

Live rates at 2011.02.27 02:27:00 UTC 1.45 EUR=1.99317 USD

That's $8 a gallon.

Kind of makes our $3.50 a joke huh?

That is correct. You guys and gals don't know how lucky you are.
Long Island NY 3.45 ish last time I checked.

Like a few others said I will drive wherever i need to go but for me when price goes over $3 a gallon I start to feel the psychological pressure of feeling like this economy is doomed. spending so much much more $ on weekly gas doesn't make me feel like going out and spending lots of $ on other goods and services. If anything it is making me want to abandon my car in favor of riding the bike full time.
I have a cousin who has been working in the oil business his whole life, and when I told him that I heard that we could be paying $5 a gal. soon . He said if we don't start drilling more in the U.S. very soon we will be paying $7 or more. Obama has made it clear he hate's the oil companies and doesn't want anymore drilling. So we are F#$ked get ready to pay more for everything and long line's at the pump. I seen it before in the 70's .
With gas prices so high can you use 87 octain in the FZ6?

If you read your owners manual, that's what receommended. You don't need to waste your money pumping premium fuel unless you want to. It's your bike, your money.

So the .40 cent or .80 cent difference per fillup seems small, but add it over the course of the bikes lifetime, it's pretty much paid for a few mods by selecting the lower grade. I have almost 60k miles on my bike running 87, still going.
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Diesel in my local garage went up to £1.399 which I guess is something like $8/gallon

Petrol is slightly cheaper but not a lot

This is because £/barrel went up this week I am sure they will tell me but isnt that futures and it has to be shipped to a refinery as crude and converted into petrol and diesel and everything else and will take sveral months before it costs the petrol company?

I bet it doesnt come down as quickly
Gas is $3.259 around me. I took the truck today due to lots of wind and dust/sand storms and had to fill up. Hit the $75.00 pay-at-pump limit and didn't even fill it up all the way.:(
Central NY $3.49/gal
on my way back to west chester Pa tonight stopped at the service station in Jim Thorpe PA on 476S I think it is its the pike it was $3.22/gal
I believe the fuel prices are regulated on the turnpikes.

Here's another thought, for those who live mostly along the east coast and certain parts of the midwest, don't forget you have to pay a toll.

Another reason I love the west, toll roads are are very very rare.