Fz6N S2 broken frame part


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2012
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Hey guys,

After a long recovery period I finally decided to see if I can still do something with my crashed bike. My main concern is the fact that the frame snapped in the fork area and I have no idea if it can be repaired or if it's even worth trying to do something.

I can not provide a picture now, but I'll post one as soon as I can tomorrow morning (or is it today already?). Anyway, in the meantime I found this picture in one of the stickies and I hope that it will give you a general idea untill I can provide a real picture. The part that snapped is the number 1, the tip. It only snapped on one side, the right, up to the first bolt. It doesn't seem to be loose or anything, but it's cracked nonetheless. Can it be repaired? Is it worth repairing?


Thank you for your time and understanding!
That part that sticks out is for the steering stop (lock to lock).

Apparently, when the bike crashed, the lower triple clamp pushed hard enough to crack it.

I believe that area is pretty much solid aluminum. I would think a good aluminum (TIG) welder could put it back W/O much of an issue.

I would however, give the frame, engine mounts etc, a REALLY up close exam for hairline cracks.

Look especially close around the swing arm, the engine frame mounting arms and the threaded engine mounts for any damage. Obviously, the triple (which struck it) may be damaged.

BTW, other FZ frames have been welded successfully and in much more difficult places..

Good luck and please post back with any updates..