FZ6n/FZ8 Headlight swap


Junior Member
Mar 28, 2010
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Last night i started to take the bike apart because i was having an issue with my low beam, the friend i bought the bike from dropped it during the winter slid on some ice and damaged a few bits, anyways when i got the headlight assembly apart i noticed the housing is broken in quite a few places as well as where the lowbeam h7 bulb goes. I have been debating just buying a new/used headlight housing assembly or possibly doing a naked conversion. ive tried doing some searching but havent come up with any good results. Does anybody know of anywhere to source all parts needed to convert my 05 to a Fz6n or if a Fz8 headlamp could work. Thanks for the info :thumbup:
There's an entire streetfighter section that has tons of information on it.

Wavex has a few videos too that show in detail, step by step, his naked conversion. They're great for a frame of reference if you're mechanically retarded like I am.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFtClwCZb0E&sns=em]FZ6S to FZ6N Naked Conversion - PART I - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1Xx76c3ABY&sns=em"]FZ6S to FZ6N Naked Conversion - PART II - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf7MEpkc3GU&sns=em]FZ6S to FZ6N - PART III - The Finale - YouTube[/ame]

I should say at this point I am in the midst of buying everything for my winter conversion project - so I can't really give you any first hand experience. I can tell you my approach though.

From what information I've gathered, I bought a speedo bracket mount made from one of our fellow forum members. This tackles how to mount the speedo (unless you want to fabricate one yourself). As far as I can tell though all else you would need is a headlight assembly (and most likely requires a custom fabbed mount) and turn signals.

That's all the material I am starting with, anything else will be acquired as I come across it.

And as far as your fz8 headlight question - I'm sure it can be done. Anything is possible with enough time or money. Ask around or fab a mount and I'm positive it can be done.
I just did a FZ8 headlight swap...build thread coming soon. I went out and rode when I got it done instead of hanging out on a message board (no offense :D)

It works but you gotta do some mods for the brackets. Mine's solid. My whole conversion (including the FZ1 bar, grips, and bar end mirrors) was around $315, but I also have a good friend at a dealership that got me his price which is dealer cost + 10%.
I just did a FZ8 headlight swap...build thread coming soon. I went out and rode when I got it done instead of hanging out on a message board (no offense :D)

It works but you gotta do some mods for the brackets. Mine's solid. My whole conversion (including the FZ1 bar, grips, and bar end mirrors) was around $315, but I also have a good friend at a dealership that got me his price which is dealer cost + 10%.
That is a great price for the whole fz8 conversion, good work! I'd love to see some pics of the result and some info on the process as I've been thinking about doing this myself.
Lookin good...I did some more searching around and ended up ordering the VS02 kit from Dev_Usc that many people have had high praise for so im excited to get that and get it installed. I believe its from the FZ16n in india...looks pretty close to the Fz6n lights. His kit comes with everything needed for a pretty much direct bolt on :thumbup:
any update on this?

looking at the 2010/11 FZ8 headlight versus the fz16 headlight I prefer the new fz8.

what mod did you do to the brackets? are they a different width apart? different diameter? that looks like a slightly older fz8 lamp right? the new ones look a little more agressive.


the fz16 headlight kit is well priced and easy, but I saw it in person and it just seems too small. the gas tank is so large on the fz6 that a small headlight looks unproportionate. the larger fz8 headlight would balance things out better so it's not a fat man with a tiny head.

Here are some pics of the VS02 kit


