FZ6 Riders Show us your baby!!


My lovely lady, she's called Fanny (remember I'm English lol)

My lovely lady, she's called Fanny (remember I'm English lol)

My husband and I met a couple from England when we were on our honeymoon, and they were cracking up that the travel pouch on a belt that I had is called a "fanny pack." When they explained the different meaning of "fanny" in England, we all had a good laugh!! :D
My husband and I met a couple from England when we were on our honeymoon, and they were cracking up that the travel pouch on a belt that I had is called a "fanny pack." When they explained the different meaning of "fanny" in England, we all had a good laugh!! :D

:D Yeah, I know, makes for some pretty interesting looks when my mates ask in public if I'm getting my Fanny out today :D

My fella and I were standing in the queue for coffee at Squires, our local biker bar when a mate walked in and shouted over "Twigs, can you come and show my mate your Fanny?" You could have heard a pin drop :D the place just went silent and so I just said, " sure, I'll meet you in the carpark in a minute." :Flash: The people around us just stared and my poor fella just stood there shaking his head :cheer:
This is my first try to upload images here.

There should be three images:
1002 : first time I sat on the bike as I was taking it home from the dealership (they did not have this bike, so the dealership had to do a trade with another dealership to get the bike I wanted).

1007 & 1010 first time I took the bike around the neighborhood. I went to find my friend which was walking her dogs around the woods.