FZ6 gets me laid

I dont just attract crazy. I seem to like crazy, and I am crazy, so every relationship I have is based on crazy, with a side of crazy, and some crazy for dessert.

Also I had a great idea recently.
Pay old ladies in fur in throw used motor oil on naked Peta girls protesting the wearing of furs.

How are they related you ask? Crazy naked Peta women. See now?
Man you guys are something else. I've never really had a problem with the women! As fat and ugly as I am I seem to attract beautiful women(at least I thing so).

I dont just attract crazy. I seem to like crazy, and I am crazy, so every relationship I have is based on crazy, with a side of crazy, and some crazy for dessert.

Also I had a great idea recently.
Pay old ladies in fur in throw used motor oil on naked Peta girls protesting the wearing of furs.

How are they related you ask? Crazy naked Peta women. See now?
I dont just attract crazy. I seem to like crazy, and I am crazy, so every relationship I have is based on crazy, with a side of crazy, and some crazy for dessert.

Let's get to it... We love crazy. OK, not for relationships, but for fun times. ;)
Let me explain my reasons for lovin' crazy:
1) When she pisses you off, you can just say "That girl's crazy."
2) When she shows you things you never knew were possible (or legal) you can just say "That girl's crazy."
3) When you're done dealing with all the hassles of hanging out with her you can just say "That girl's crazy."
4) When you see her a couple of months later and you end up, umm, taking a nap.. you can just say "That girl's crazy."
5) When her friends hear all the nasty things about you, you can just say "That girl's crazy."
Sorry Keira....I should have directed this to \"lordplayer\" specifically......and I love your name!

Lordplayer is a name I use based on my deep-seeded insecurity issues and social disorders. The use of "Lordplayer" helps to veil those facts and make me seem other-worldly.

Also, I think it's kind of funny and it sounds cool.:thumbup:
This thread delivers! :rockon:

I thought I was the only one that attracted crazy women... and I'm finding myself identifying with wrightme once again - I don't just attract them, I'm attracted TO them.

That being said, to the OP - careful with this one - whether you think you're "pursuing" it or not, if you're hitting it, and you piss her off, you might find a much less pleasant surprise on/in/done to your bike one of these days.

Crazy chicks have sharp objects and aren't afraid to use them - hell hath no fury and all that; if she happens to be a head-case, then they can be downright :sinister:

Good luck, bro - be careful!!!

This thread delivers! :rockon:

I thought I was the only one that attracted crazy women... and I'm finding myself identifying with wrightme once again - I don't just attract them, I'm attracted TO them.

That being said, to the OP - careful with this one - whether you think you're \"pursuing\" it or not, if you're hitting it, and you piss her off, you might find a much less pleasant surprise on/in/done to your bike one of these days.

Crazy chicks have sharp objects and aren't afraid to use them - hell hath no fury and all that; if she happens to be a head-case, then they can be downright :sinister:

Good luck, bro - be careful!!!


ha ha - that is so true. I've had some nice and sweet ones, of which I've done bad things too (what the hell is wrong with me) - and my last one was crazy crazy crazy. Sharp things in tiny petite hands can do very un-petite things.

Have had my acoustic guitar dangled over a balcony 50 feet in the air only supported by her little evil arms in front of stunned onlookers, beer held over my recording consoles and mixing boards in the studio, - electric guitars used as hammer axes preventing me from taking off on my motorcyle - PC's thrown, keyboards thrown, Glass Plates spun like Hellraiser blades across the room - locked and deadbolted doors forcing me to kick my own door in multiple times - physically latched onto my chevy tailgate and dragging her feet while I attempted to drive away, Hard Drive data sabotage, and an entire storage container (we are talking big bucks) of rather riske' DVD's (ok ok super hot adult videos :)) etched with a butter knife at least 100 times each, one by one, methodically for hours while I was out riding. All this from one nutty brunette in Anaheim CA. And to make it worse, I stayed with her up until about 6 months ago. Jesus christ - now that's crazy!!!!!!!

I'd have to say - the craziness makes for some intense make up nukie-nuk. But boy, I was definitely suckered into a crazy girl web. There is something about a nutty girl I have to admit, but always ends in disaster - I'm done with it now. Stay a-way from cr-azaay.

So has the op got laid yet.:cheer:

Yeah dude, it says it in my original post. Body of (I KID YOU NOT) an awesome stripper, but her head could use work. Perhaps less hair on the upper lip for starters...

It wasn't over the top, like mustaschey, but laser or waxing or whatever might be a good idea.
Yeah dude, it says it in my original post. Body of (I KID YOU NOT) an awesome stripper, but her head could use work. Perhaps less hair on the upper lip for starters...

It wasn't over the top, like mustaschey, but laser or waxing or whatever might be a good idea.

where's the part where you found Mr. Winky?

Cant believe I just found it today...:thumbup::thumbup:

Cant believe I just found it today...:thumbup::thumbup:

AJ -
I think this picture qualifies as a classy babe shot :)? Oh my....Uh, moderator approved.. :rockon:.

I also bet she is crazier than sin!!!! Bet your bottom dolla - this delivery girl is giving some suckered guy a run for his money (or run for his life!! :)) You don't look like that without some man raising you wrong and some other man paying for it ha ha.

getting back on topic to the original post - riding a motorcyle does definitely make it easy to draw female attention, and a no brainer for a first icebreaking point of topic. People look when a bike is rolling around period Admitidly, I got more whistles on my cruiser (girls can see what you look like with those little german fake helmets on vs the full face ) a custom paint job and flashy chrome put a little sparkle in their eyes as well. This in turn translates to getting a girl on the back seat, which typically ended with some happy happy time :) As for my current R1, I'm not in any place long enough for a chick to leave an apple on my seat (that's freakin awesome!!).

Maybe if I parked for more than 2 minutes at a time I'd score - but the Yamaha ain't built for anything but moving forward!

Ride safe fellas - and Janette :)

P.S. More crazy chick stories... come on.
What, so you don't want the rest of us girls to ride safe? We aren't all pillion candy, you know.

Hey Keira - i'm sorry - my bad - girls who ride, rock - coming from the r1-forum - I'm not used to female riders or cute forum members:).

There is nothing sweeter than a girl who knows how to ride and wants to race me. So :thumbup: to you Keira - ride safe, everyone all sexes, races, religions and species :)!
P.S. More crazy chick stories... come on.

Okay, here's a crazy "chick story" or two....coming from a Chick.

Houston has a large sportbike rider population and nothing gets me smilin' more than a rider, or maybe a pack of them, who ride up next to me and start showing off. :D You know, stunting, popping wheelies, then looking over their shoulders to make sure I notice. On my way to Daytona, passing through Orlando during bike week, a group of them caught up with me and stayed with me for maybe 15 miles on I-4, before passing and giving me a big wave. Another time, I was stopped at a red light and four of them filtered up to the front and surrounded me, flipping up their visors and flashing big, flirty smiles my way. I love it!! Course they'd die of embarrassment if they only knew. You see, I'm petite, very trim (marathon runner) so probably look pretty good to these young hotrods in my trim-fitting riding gear and full-face helmet riding my FZ. The gotcha is...I'm 60 years old, old enough to be their mother, maybe, for some of them, old enough to be their grandmother. But I gotta say that some of these kids are really talented riders, and look very fine on their sportbikes, with their lean bodies (shirt-tails riding up their backs and absence of full riding gear, notwithstanding) and aggressive riding stance which only accentuates their wide shoulders and narrow waists. :thumbup:
Okay, here's a crazy \"chick story\" or two....coming from a Chick.

Houston has a large sportbike rider population and nothing gets me smilin' more than a rider, or maybe a pack of them, who ride up next to me and start showing off. :D You know, stunting, popping wheelies, then looking over their shoulders to make sure I notice. On my way to Daytona, passing through Orlando during bike week, a group of them caught up with me and stayed with me for maybe 15 miles on I-4, before passing and giving me a big wave. Another time, I was stopped at a red light and four of them filtered up to the front and surrounded me, flipping up their visors and flashing big, flirty smiles my way. I love it!! Course they'd die of embarrassment if they only knew. You see, I'm petite, very trim (marathon runner) so probably look pretty good to these young hotrods in my trim-fitting riding gear and full-face helmet riding my FZ. The gotcha is...I'm 60 years old, old enough to be their mother, maybe, for some of them, old enough to be their grandmother. But I gotta say that some of these kids are really talented riders, and look very fine on their sportbikes, with their lean bodies (shirt-tails riding up their backs and absence of full riding gear, notwithstanding) and aggressive riding stance which only accentuates their wide shoulders and narrow waists. :thumbup:

ha - What a great alternate perspective on the whole thing. Seen through a girls eyes of the flip side. That is awesome. I bet more female riders here have tons of stories like that. In reality - maybe you guys run into girls on bikes - but I sure don't - and I know for a fact when one has been around - they got ridiculous amounts of attention and idiots tripping over themselves on 2 wheels.

you wrote " with their lean bodies (shirt-tails riding up their backs and absence of full riding gear, notwithstanding) and aggressive riding stance which only accentuates their wide shoulders and narrow waists" .................... man women are such pigs!!! LOL