FZ6 full fairing + paint job


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Oct 31, 2009
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I bought an fz6 Fazer a couple of months ago.
It is a 2008 model, the one with the silver frame and engine.
To tell you the truth I never liked the silver frame but the price was very good so I bought it.
I've turned it to pieces, I had the frame, subframe, swingarm and fork powder coated in black and I've put it all together again.
I also painted in black and fitted a full fairing kit.
This is how it looks.
I hope you like it.
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Lookin real good, love the full fairing, but that is no 2008 model. It is an '04 or '05. I hope you just made a typo and didn't get screwed over by Mr. PO.
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It's 2008 s1 model.
The differences between the 04-06 model is the catalytic converter (it's larger), the exhaust is lighter, it's equipped with lamda sensor (like the S2), the water box is relocated from under the seat, between the catalytic converter and rear spring, at the front of the engine, right behind the exhaust manifold (like the S2 model) and there is a lock for the helmet attached at the subframe.
That's the differences you can see between the 2008 model S1.
The bike it's definitely 2008 model.
At least that's how it's sold here in Greece.
It's 2008 s1 model.
The differences between the 04-06 model is the catalytic converter (it's larger), the exhaust is lighter, it's equipped with lamda sensor (like the S2), the water box is relocated from under the seat, between the catalytic converter and rear spring, at the front of the engine, right behind the exhaust manifold (like the S2 model) and there is a lock for the helmet attached at the subframe.
That's the differences you can see between the 2008 model S1.
The bike it's definitely 2008 model.
At least that's how it's sold here in Greece.

Ah I see. I'm looking at the Wiki page right now and it seems that what you have is the 2008 S1 model with 76 HP? Still doesn't make any sense to me but then again I have no idea about these bikes in Europe...

I would have thought that the 2007 redesign would carry over to all the bikes sold all over the world, as well as the black frame and wheels, new swingarm, etc.

How do you know for sure that it is actually a 2008?
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To tell you the truth I can only know by its papers (registration).
Is there a way to check it out by the VIN number?
I suppose I could also check to my local dealer.
An other thing that I've notice to my bike:
The only difference between 76 bhp model and 98 bhp model is a small "throttle limiter" that does not allow the throttle bodies to open 100% and the bhp is limited to 76 bhp. Practically if you remove that part you can turn your bike to 98 bhp.
I didn't see it anywhere. Maybe the previous owner removed it for me.
Anyway, right now the bike is supposed to be 98bhp.
Great looking ride!

Weird about the model though. In the states 07 and newer (s2) had a different swingarm and different fairing. So the last year for the bike you've got was 2006 here in the states.
Tell me about the Full fairing kit. How much? from where? and how do you like it so far? blocking more wind? easy to install on bike?
That bike was built by Yamaha pre-2007. Either the seller falsified the papers or it was sitting in a warehouse for a couple of years before being registered and sold in 2008.

We have cars like that in the UK. For example, Nissan stopped producing the Nissan Micra K11 in 2003, but they made so many that they were sat around on docks and in warehouses for years afterwards that dealers would register in 2006 etc and sell with an 06 numberplate even though it was a 2002/2003 model.
Can't do that in the USA. DOT and I think the Coast Guard ( they do tarifs, & smuggling, I think) would be on them like white on rice. Then there is the IRS, would would be inclined to casterating them with rusty ball peen hammers.
That is why the USA doesn't get the real tasty models. There is a tedious and expensive testing procedure to allow importation. The Unions in America do their best to restrict trade. Why manufactuer a descent motorcycle when you can restrict imports to keep your two wheeled trash pile marketable.
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