FZ6 Exhausts - Two Brothers Legal in UK


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Jun 7, 2010
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Hi all... I bought my FZ6 '05 a few months ago and I really need to replace the exhausts... mainly because I year for a deeper throatier growl when I accelerate... and make it a little safer when filtering in London.

I have been trying to find a cheap pair on eBay and just missed a Remus and an older style Scorpion the other day...

Now I have to go over to the US for work next week so I was considering picking up a pair of Two Bros because I think they sounds the best (admittedly only from you tube so not the best comparison)

My concern is they are not street legal in the UK... but I don't really know what the means... is it just a DB test? I know you can buy a DN Killer for the Two Bro pipes but what happens if you get pulled over with pipes that are not E markets street legal??

Should I not bother because I will always be worried about getting pulled over... ??

Any advice...

and if not the Two Bros pipes... what pipes would any recommend that have the deepest sound??

Cheers everyone
In order for your exhaust to be road legal in the UK it must be stamped with BSAU 193 or BSAU 193a or an EEC approval number prefixed by a small 'e' marking or an ECE approval number prefixed by a capital E.

Without these marks it should not pass an MOT, or inspection at the roadside by a police officer or vehicle examiner.

Now, obviously Two Bros do manufacture cans with the appropriate markings for sale into the European market, but its unlikely that they carry the appropriate marks when manufactured for their domestic market.

Having said all of that, I don't think you would get stopped just for running them, there are plenty of loud bikes out there, and lots of people swap race cans for OE items for the MOT every year (that won't save you from a rectification order if you get stopped at the side of the road though).

I guess ultimately its up to you whether you want to give it a shot, but for the hassle factor it might be worth holding out for a bargin here in the UK.

Perhaps you could ask Two Bros before you go out there if they can supply the appropriately marked items for you?