Fresh Rubber !!!!

Well ive now done 1500 k's (932 miles) on my new Shinko's and i couldnt be happier......The grip levels are outstanding , even more remarkable in the wet . Having just come back from a 2 hour ride , 1 hour 45 mins of it in the rain i was still comfortable leaning into the corners on a few familiar twisties :D (i love wet riding) , was a spur of the moment ride so i didnt have the camera :( (sorry)..... Im finding it really hard to see how some people could slag off about these tyres , they do everything i ask of them and never feel the slightest bit unstable . They heat up fairly quick and hold the heat in for a long time so if you stop for a smoke/drink you dont lose much if any...There are no signs of wear yet , they even still have a few of those little rubber nodule thingy's on them although there isnt many and there is definately NO chicken strips....Something i couldnt say about the BT020's that came off it :(.... All in all they are great value for money so far , if your in the market for new rubber i highly recommend these .... GO SHINKO (ok :spank::spank: that was sooo LAME) :D

Great to hear that you have found a great tyre.
I have 2500 miles on my FZ6 S2 naked now on original tyres. They are the Dunlop Sport Max, they give good grip but have squared off now and the middle section is down to 2mm so i'll be needing a new rear soon. :(

I'm not sure whether to stick a new rear on and let the front wear down before i buy a pair or do i just put a new pair of tyres such as Shinko's.
I've been told that Bridgestone BT-016 tyres are good too?
10000 klm (6214 miles) update......Why do people bag these tyres out ??? After this many K's on them there is obviously some "squaring" off but that would be due to me fairly straight line commute :( rather than a poor tyre.....The rear tyre has approximately 50% tread left on it and will easily last another 5000 K's , thats 5000 more than the Bridgestone i had previously , there are no signs of cupping , feathering or distress for that matter and when warmed up they stick like $h!t to a blanket :D +1 to Shinko.......The front has about 60% tread left on it and im guessing i could stretch that for another 8-9000 K's that amount more than the previous Bridgestone , there is little to no squaring off on this tyre but there is some minor feathering in all probability cause by worn out steering head bearings on the bike , definately no cupping at this stage but as feathering has started the cupping will usually follow soon after.....Again this tyre has never left me wanting more + 1 Shinko.....Just a quick update for you's to keep track of the different tyres on offer in the motorcycling world and help make the deccission easier when your time comes :thumbup:

The way i read it is , Shinko 2 , Bridgestone 0......These are at the top of my list when the replacements are due , when your on a good thing stick to it :thumbup:
10000 klm (6214 miles) update......Why do people bag these tyres out ??? After this many K's on them there is obviously some "squaring" off but that would be due to me fairly straight line commute :( rather than a poor tyre.....The rear tyre has approximately 50% tread left on it and will easily last another 5000 K's , thats 5000 more than the Bridgestone i had previously , there are no signs of cupping , feathering or distress for that matter and when warmed up they stick like $h!t to a blanket :D +1 to Shinko.......The front has about 60% tread left on it and im guessing i could stretch that for another 8-9000 K's that amount more than the previous Bridgestone , there is little to no squaring off on this tyre but there is some minor feathering in all probability cause by worn out steering head bearings on the bike , definately no cupping at this stage but as feathering has started the cupping will usually follow soon after.....Again this tyre has never left me wanting more + 1 Shinko.....Just a quick update for you's to keep track of the different tyres on offer in the motorcycling world and help make the deccission easier when your time comes :thumbup:

The way i read it is , Shinko 2 , Bridgestone 0......These are at the top of my list when the replacements are due , when your on a good thing stick to it :thumbup:

Glad to see you have found a decent tyre Humpy....that's some serious K's you are getting out of that rubber....that's gotta be good if they are still holding on like poop to a blanket!

kinda nice to read this thread. i got a nail in my back tire two weeks ago and had to buy a tire on the spot to be able to get home. wasn't planning on a new tire so i got the cheapest tire they had. yep, it was a shinko. good to read i didn't make that bad of a call.
Had my new tyres fitted today on my Naked FZ6-S2.

Originals were Dunlop Sportmax D252 and I got 4800 miles out of them. :thumbup:

The new ones are the new Dunlop Road smarts. :thumbup::thumbup:
Both supplied and fitted for £249. Ride in and ride out service.

I'll keep you posted on their performance but just riding home they felt great. It's my first time riding on new rubber and it's a weird feeling when they haven't been scrubbed in properly but they soon will be !! ;)
Hey everyone!

I'm new to the FZ6 world as I just purchased a 2006 FZ6 with 3200 miles and just joined this site. Love this motorcycle more than any other bike I've ever owned. She's my baby, also love the discussion and bond between a lot of the member here!

Anyways I think there may be a slow leak in my rear and from what I've been told I think I'm gonna need a new one which is a shame because it still has good life left on it..oh well. Either way I'm tight on cash and need a new rear. Question: should I buy a set or is just the rear okay? Also this Shinko sounds pretty good judging by the previous discussion. Any other recommendations and if not where can I find this tire at the most affordable price?

Thanks for your help!!
Hey everyone!

I'm new to the FZ6 world as I just purchased a 2006 FZ6 with 3200 miles and just joined this site. Love this motorcycle more than any other bike I've ever owned. She's my baby, also love the discussion and bond between a lot of the member here!

Anyways I think there may be a slow leak in my rear and from what I've been told I think I'm gonna need a new one which is a shame because it still has good life left on it..oh well. Either way I'm tight on cash and need a new rear. Question: should I buy a set or is just the rear okay? Also this Shinko sounds pretty good judging by the previous discussion. Any other recommendations and if not where can I find this tire at the most affordable price?

Thanks for your help!!

If you are going to get just one tyre, buy the same make and type that's already fitted. Never mix tyres it's not recommended.
Had my new tyres fitted today on my Naked FZ6-S2.

Originals were Dunlop Sportmax D252 and I got 4800 miles out of them. :thumbup:

The new ones are the new Dunlop Road smarts. :thumbup::thumbup:
Both supplied and fitted for £249. Ride in and ride out service.

I'll keep you posted on their performance but just riding home they felt great. It's my first time riding on new rubber and it's a weird feeling when they haven't been scrubbed in properly but they soon will be !! ;)

Well what can i say about the BRILLIANT Dunlop Roadsmarts !!
I can't believe the mileage i got out of my first set as mentioned in my previous post.

I got 12,068 out of the rear tyre and the Front is still on and that has done 13,475 and there's still plenty of tread. :thumbup::thumbup:

I use my bike for commuting and some great rides out at the weekends. I have no chicken strips on my tyres so you can tell i get my knee down a lot too.
The grip levels wet and dry are amazing and the grip on the edges are great too giving plenty of feedback.
I guess another 1000 miles before the front will need replacing.