For those that workout, what's your routine?


Junior Member
Lookin' to gain a couple horsepower for the FZ this summer so I started working out again. Mostly chin ups, pull ups, and sit ups, along with eating right (no more fast food, pizza or sweets). Sometimes hitting the heavy bag until the snow's gone and I can start running again. Had to stop doing pull ups for a bit due to some mild tendonitis which hopefully will clear up. Down ten pounds(up one horsepower) in the last two weeks:cheer:. Just wondeing what other people out there are doing for your routine.


Super Member
Whatever you can find motivation to stick with is what will benefit you most long term.

Been at this physical fitness thing for many more years than I care to let on. The key is to find a plan that is sustainable. This means finding a time of day that is dedicated to excercise no matter what you do. for me that is early am before I get to my office so it won't matter how crazy my day gets I devote time to numero uno before all the rest of my life barges in with demands.

As far as routine goes I do enjoy doing weights and try to vary the intensity and muscle groups. Cardio is very painful and have trouble staying motivated so I approach it as - if you want to do some weights (something I like) I have to do 20 minutes of treadmill first (something I hate). I also did swimming exclusively for 2 years 9 months un-interrupted. That was the best excercise program I ever did in my life.(swimming is all I did for that time). I also mix in some heavy bag work mostly as a place to unload some steam but it has intense cardio benefits.


No ride is too far...
Elite Member
I don't like the treadmill either, but another thing to try is increase the incline, makes a big difference. I usually run a 5k at 6mph, then do bench, bi's and tri's. I'll alternate days with pull ups, chin ups, and push ups. Always some abs too.
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Junior Member
Step 1 - Convince myself I'm going to the gym
Step 2 - Go to gym
Step 3 - Work out
Step 4 - Try not to stare at the girls at the gym
Step 5 - Go home
Step 6 - Start back at step one


UK Luchador
Monday, Wednesday Thursday - submission wrestling
Tuesday - Brazilian jiu jitsu
Saturday - strength training (squats, bench, deadlifts, pull-ups, etc)
Sunday - the occasional private PT session

Having several people try and kill you for an hour does wonders for your strength and stamina :D


Junior Member
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 2hrs of rock climbing.
Other 5 days of the week: 4-5 miles of trying to slow down 2 pitbulls on leashes.


Might get some hate... but I crossfit 5-6 days a week and I absolutely love it! I've lost 25 lbs and ~14% body fat in about a year. :)

Gotten stronger and look a looooooot better than I did haha.

Here's a progress picture I've shared in the past.


I basically just eat clean (lots of meats/veggies, some rice), avoid gluten, drink lots of water, and do a lot of crossfit/volleyball/ultimate frisbee (when the weather is nice). I do a little extra lifting on the side too. :)

Good luck and have fun!


Junior Member
Monday - Wednesday - Friday I do the Big Three (Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift). That's pretty much it. Those weights are always open because the bar and freeweights scare off most people.

10 minutes of cardio warm up, 5 warmup sets and then three reverse pyramid work sets. I focus on my weak point early - squats. Done in 30 minutes. Had to drop running due to tendon tears (overzealousness).

The biggest help for me was changing my diet. I started Leangains at Christmas and I'm down about 20 lbs (on top of any gained muscle mass from the powerlifting).

Crossfit is better - if your a masochist with a lot of disposable income and a good ortho surgeon on retainer. Paleo diet is awesome too if you own a Whole Foods and have someone to cook for you, 8hrs per day.


UK Luchador
i eat mostly paleo, I spend about 30 mins a day on average cooking, including breakfast

never had any memorable injuries from the several years I did crossfit, i was careful about stuff like box jumps though


Junior Member
Yeah, I'm dumb though. I honestly believed that mind over matter stuff and it didn't end well. The ability to push yourself to standing unconsciousness is not really as cool as it sounds. I'd love to get back into it - it's a blast. I just don't trust my ego's judgment in the middle of a set or round.


Yeah, I'm dumb though. I honestly believed that mind over matter stuff and it didn't end well. The ability to push yourself to standing unconsciousness is not really as cool as it sounds. I'd love to get back into it - it's a blast. I just don't trust my ego's judgment in the middle of a set or round.

Haha, it's easy for me to push myself past my comfort zone but not anywhere near that level of discomfort! If my mind starts wandering, I stop doing the workout.


I have a roadbike on a CycleOps Fluid Trainer that i spend 1-2 hours on twice a week when i cant do the same outside (i ride 3-4 times a week when its nice out though)

Pool workouts: Water Polo, Pool Sprints w/ buoyancy belt, 10min. warm-up/cool-down

Soccer 3x a week

I run sometimes (when i dont injure myself playing soccer:spank:)

and im putting together a gym plan now with the help of a buddy.


Junior Member
I do weekdays get home from work about 6 spend a hour in home gym then tea. Weekends off for riding or airsofting, which is a workout in itself!